Two weeks later

Iwalk into the den to see all four of my boys in there. Liam and Mikey are playing pool while Shane sips coffee and scrolls through his cell phone and Conor is reading a book.

“Hey guys,” I say as I walk into the room.

They all look up and smile at me and my heart might burst with how much I love them all. Mikey puts his pool cue onto the table and walks over to me, picking up a small paper bag from the coffee table as he does.

“We got you something, Red,” he says with a grin as he hands it to me.

“For me?” I arch an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“Well, open it and see,” he replies.

I look around the room and the four of them are watching me. I open up the bag and pull out the small white box inside. Turning it over in my hand, I laugh out loud. “Ovulation tests. Really?” I arch an eyebrow at him.


“So, we’re really serious about this baby thing then? I only had my implant taken out a few days ago,” I protest, although the fact they are so into this gives me butterflies in my stomach.

“Well you didn’t think we were about to start wearing condoms, did you, Angel?” Conor growls as he puts his book down and stands up.

“Well, no. But…”

“But what, Red?” Mikey frowns at me.

The color flushes over my cheeks. “I’m not sure we need these,” I whisper as I hold up the box of tests.

“But they’ll tell us when you’re ovulating.”

“I know that…” I stand there with my mouth open. These men know my body inside out, so why am I so embarrassed to say what I’m thinking.

“I think what Jessie is trying to say,” Liam winks at me, “is that there isn’t a single day that goes by when she doesn’t have someone’s cum in her. Isn’t that right, baby?”

“Yes,” I whisper as I blush to the roots of my hair.

“Ah,” Mikey chuckles. “But these will let us know exactly when the time is right to make a baby. And, I mean, we kinda wanna know when that is, Red.”

“We sure do,” Conor agrees.

“I thought we agreed we were happy not to know who, you know…?”

“Who scored the home run? Whose little guys were the strongest swimmers?” Mikey kindly offers.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“And we don’t, but we still want to know when the time is right,” Conor says as he stalks toward me.

“Yep. If we’re making babies, I want to bring my A game,” Mikey winks at me.

“Why do I feel like this is going to get really competitive?” I fold my arms across my chest and try to glare at them with all of the indignation I can muster, but I can barely keep the smile from my face.

“Oh it is!” Conor replies.

“Super fucking competitive,” Mikey agrees with a flash of his eyebrows.

“So, go do the test,” Liam says.

I shake my head and that’s when Shane stands up and walks over to me. Mikey steps aside and Shane stands directly in front of me. “There’s only two to three days a month you can get pregnant, right?”