“Yes,” I bite on my lip.
“So for two to three days a month, my brothers and I are going to be lining up to fuck you. Fighting over who gets to fuck you. Fucking you harder and for longer, because believe me, sweetheart, we will all be bringing our A game.” He leans his head close to my face until his breath skitters over my cheek and I shiver in anticipation. “Are you really telling me that even thinking about it hasn’t already got you wet and wanting to be fucked?”
I suck in a breath as the heat floods my core, because damn, that might just be the hottest thing I can imagine. “Okay,” I whisper.
“Thought so. So go pee on the goddamn stick, sweetheart,” he growls.
“I’m going,” I breathe.
I stare at the small white piece of plastic in my hands. Two lines. I’m ovulating! Damn!
They’re all waiting for me in the den. When I tell them the result… Holy fuck! The rush of wet heat almost knocks me off my feet.
I walk down the hallway and when I reach the den, I lean against the wall, watching them for a few seconds before they notice I’m back. They are chatting and laughing amongst themselves, and I am overwhelmed with love for them.
It’s Conor who spots me first. “Everything okay, Angel?”
I hold up the plastic stick. “I’m ovulating,” I say with a smile.
I have never seen four men move so fast in all of my life. Liam pushes Mikey out of the way as he runs toward me. Conor vaults the sofa while Shane drops his cup of coffee where he stands and sprints toward me. The four of them hurtle to me and my entire body sizzles with excitement and anticipation. I turn around and run down the hallway, hardly able to breathe I’m laughing so hard.
It’s Conor who catches me first, and he hoists me over his shoulder and carries me into the nearest bedroom which happens to be my own. He throws me down onto the bed and starts stripping off his clothes as his brothers run into the room on our heels and begin doing the same.
I stare up at them watching them undress, their broad chests and thick arms all covered in tattoos, including the matching one they now all have of my name which winds around the base of their necks. “You ready to make some beautiful Ryan babies, Angel?” Conor growls.
“Yes,” I whisper.
Now that this part of the series is concluded, are you ready to see what happens next for Jessie and The Ryan Brothers?
Ryan Renewed is available now
Bonus content Epilogue
Lying on the sun lounger, I watch her walking down the deck of the private yacht—the one we’ve spent the last six days of our honeymoon on in the Caribbean sea. I’ve never traveled much and some of the views here are fucking breathtaking, but none, and I mean not a single goddamn one, compare to my wife’s ass.
“Would you look at that?” I say to my twin, giving him a nudge in the arm as I pull my Ray Bans down my nose.
He sits up, lifting his glasses off his face before he wolf whistles her. She giggles and gives us a wave before leaning over the rail and staring into the sea, giving us an even better view of her perfect peach in the tiny string bikini she’s wearing.
“You know what I’m going to miss most when we get home?” Liam asks with a sigh.
“Sun? Sea? Good food?” I suggest.
“No. Those fucking bikinis,” he says with a growl as he stares at our girl with a hunger akin to my own.
“They’re fucking something, right?” I agree with a sigh. Jessie has worn little else for our entire honeymoon. I turn to Liam and arch an eyebrow. “I think we should have a new rule for the apartment back home.”
He grins at me. “Yeah? What’s that?”
“Jessie is no longer allowed to wear any clothes other than panties and a bra.”
“And stockings, because Conor and Shane have a thing for them,” he adds.
I nod my agreement. “Shall we put it to a vote later?”
“Put what to a vote?” Shane asks as he sits on the sun lounger beside me.