Although, I know he hasn’t. He didn't just disappear that day. But I haven’t seen him for almost eight years and there is no trace of him anywhere. I know he’s alive, though. Even if I wish I didn’t.
“You okay?” Conor asks, snapping me from my thoughts. “You look like you're in another world?”
“What? Sorry!” I shake my head. “I was thinking about something, that’s all. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“I’m sure Shane will find you plenty to keep you busy once I tell him how easily you got this.”
“Good. Thanks,” I say absent-mindedly.
He reaches out and cups my chin with his hand and I almost jump back with a jolt at the feeling of his warm skin on mine. I can’t remember the last time anyone touched me with such concern or tenderness. It makes the tears prick at my eyes.
“You sure you’re okay? Did you see something on here that bothers you?” He nods toward my laptop.
I snap it closed and shake my head. “No. Nothing. And I’m fine. Seriously.”
He drops his hand, but he continues to stare at me. “Okay,” he finally says. “I need to grab a shower before I head to work.”
“Of course,” I nod a little too quickly, as though to convince him I’m not currently picturing him naked in said shower and imagining the water running over all the hard contours of his body.
“Thanks again, Jessie,” he says softly before he throws his towel over his shoulder and walks out of the gym.
Iwatch Conor walking out of my office and sit on the edge of my desk. He’s just finished telling me how quickly Jessie got the footage that he requested from Angelino’s club. I know how good their security systems are, and the fact that she got what he needed so quickly impresses me, as much as I hate to admit it. Maybe I’ll have some use for her after all? I still don’t trust her, though. And I don’t like the effect she’s having on my younger brothers. They’re like dogs on heat around her, and sooner or later one of them is going to fuck her. I can smell it in the air.
Closing my office door, I take my cell out of my pocket and walk back to my desk. The soft leather creaks as I sit and lean back in my chair while I scroll through my contacts for the number I need. As soon as I find the name I’m looking for, I press dial and listen to the ring tone.
Jax answers on the fourth ring. “Hey, amigo. Long time no speak.”
Jackson Decker is the human equivalent of a highly trained sniffer dog. There is no information, no skeletons in any closets, that this man cannot find. When me and my brothers first moved to New York, we did some work for Jax’s boss, Alejandro Montoya, and we impressed him so much that he recommended us for more jobs. Before we knew it, we were the go to men for arms in the New York area, and because of our roots and our father’s name, we made a successful challenge for the top. Alejandro and Jax are two of the few men I consider to be friends.
“Hey, Jax. It’s been far too long, buddy. I have a trip to L.A. coming up soon. We should catch up.”
“I’m still recovering from the last time I met up with you and your brothers, Shane,” he laughs, and I can’t help but smile at the memory of the weekend in Vegas he's referring to.
“I promise no whiskey this time. Okay?”
Jax laughs again. “Deal.”
“I was wondering if you had time to help out a friend?”
“For you, of course. What do you need?”
“You sure Alejandro won’t mind me distracting you?”
“Hey, you know me. I never sleep anyway. Besides, he’s a lot more chilled these days now that he’s a family man.”
“Of course. How old are his boys now?”
“Almost nine months. A right handful. But fucking adorable,” Jax chuckles. “So, what is it you need me to do?”
“I want you to look into someone for me. I’ll send you her picture and the information I have, which isn’t a lot, but I think she’s lying to me about who she is, and I want to know why.”
“Okay. Send it on over. When do you need it by?”