“As soon as possible, buddy. She’s living in my house right now.”

“Oh? You finally looking to settle down, amigo?”

“Not a chance. I don’t even know how to describe what she’s doing here. A willing hostage, maybe?” I shake my head at the words as they come out of my mouth.

Jax laughs down the phone. “Sounds complicated. But I’ll get on it.”

“Thanks. I owe you one.”

“A bottle of that fine Irish whiskey when you visit will do just fine. I’ll let you know when I have anything.”

I thank him again and end the call just as there’s a knock at my door. I assume it’s the hacker as my brothers don’t knock.

I sit up in my chair and straighten my jacket. “Come in.”

She opens the door and sticks her head inside. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yeah, I do.” I nod, and she walks into the room. She’s dressed in her own jeans, paired with one of Conor’s t-shirts, which dwarfs her petite frame. But even the oversized top does little to disguise her incredible curves.

My cock twitches, and I curse under my breath. What the fuck? It’s not like I’ve never seen a beautiful woman before, but something about her and the way she looks at me makes me want to bend her over my desk and fuck her until she screams my name.

She hovers uncertainly by my desk and a part of me contemplates leaving her standing there and watching her fidget under my gaze. But I’m not sure that would help my cock behave itself and so I indicate the chair for her to sit down. She takes the seat and crosses her legs, tossing her long red hair over her shoulder and training those bright blue eyes on mine.




Shane sits behind his desk, wearing one of his impeccably tailored suits that fits the contours of his body so perfectly, it could have almost been painted on him. His hands are steepled under his chin as he stares at me, his eyes running over my face and body as he appraises me. I lick my lips as I sit opposite him, waiting for him to tell me why he has summoned me to his office this afternoon.

“Conor tells me you hacked into the security feed of that hotel within a few hours?” he eventually asks.

“It wasn’t a complicated system,” I say with a shrug, immediately shifting to my default mode of playing down my talents. Now that I have his attention, I’ve shown him all I need to for now. Stay humble. Don't let people know just how good you are until you absolutely have to. Then they will always underestimate you. Another lesson my father taught me that I will never forget.

Shane narrows those incredible green eyes at me and I shift uncomfortably under the heat of his gaze. “How exactly does a girl from …?” he flashes an eyebrow at me and waits for me to fill the blank.

“Minnesota,” I remind him of what I told him and his brothers a few days earlier. I’ve told so many lies that I used to worry that one day I’d forget the truth myself.

“How did a girl from Minnesota end up working for Nikolai Semenov?”

My heart starts to hammer in my chest, but I perfected the art of lying under pressure a long time ago. Now, it comes as easily as breathing. I look at him calmly. Time to bring my A game! “I hacked into a college system for the daughter of one of his men. I impressed him with my skills and he offered me some work. I guess he just kept being impressed because within six months, I was living in his house and I was his go to tech person.”

“You lived with him?”


He frowns at me. “How did that happen?”

“He was a very paranoid and suspicious man. Before long, he was in need of my services on a daily basis. It made sense for him that I would move in.”

“And did it make sense for you?”

“Well, Nikola Semenov was a hard man to say no to,” I say with a shrug. “I didn’t have much choice.”

“So, you were his personal hacker? That was all?”

I shift in my seat again. “No,” I reply as I look down at the floor.