“Stay the hell away from her, Shane,” Conor growls. “She is not going back to that fucking basement.”
I can’t help but feeling a small surge of relief at that, because I hate that freaking basement. But it’s a small comfort. So what if they keep me in luxury? They’re still planning on handing me back to the Wolf.
Conor keeps on carrying me through the apartment and I open my eyes to find we are in my former bedroom. I choke back a sob as I recall the memories we have shared in this room. And despite everything, being wrapped in Conor’s strong arms is so warm and familiar.
Mikey comes out of the bathroom as we head toward it. “Bath is running. I used some of that vanilla stuff you like, Red,” he says with a half-smile and my stupid face smiles back instinctively.
“Can you stand?” Conor asks.
He places me down on my feet and then holds his arms out around me as though I’m a child who is just learning to walk.
“I’m fine,” I snap. “It’s just my period. But I had nothing down there to stop it…” I shake my head and swallow the tears.
“I know. I’m sorry,” Conor whispers.
“I’m going to leave you to it,” Mikey says with a final anxious glance at me before he walks out of the room.
My head spins and I place my hand on the wall to steady myself, leaving bloody fingerprints on the pristine paintwork.
“You sure you’re okay?” Conor asks.
I look up into his face, the one that I used to love so much. No, I’m not okay, Conor. You and your brothers have kidnapped me and left me to rot in some windowless, airless room, you bunch of heartless assholes! That’s what I want to say, but instead I simply nod.
His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows, and I notice that his expensive gray suit is covered in my blood. Nice. Serves him right for leaving me with no sanitary products. “All of your things are still here. You can stay in this room now. I’ll bring you some food in a little while.”
I nod at him. “I should get cleaned up.”
“Yeah. Of course.”
“You wouldn’t want me looking a mess when you hand me over to the Wolf, would you?” I snap and he frowns at me, but I don’t give him a chance to reply. I turn and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
Closing the door to Jessie’s bedroom, I walk through the apartment to Shane’s office. My head is spinning with questions. I’m pretty sure Jessie just accused me of wanting to hand her over to the Wolf, but right now I’m so fucking angry, I can’t process any rational thoughts.
Walking inside Shane’s office, I slam the door behind me. I didn’t imagine I could be any angrier than I was thirty minutes ago when I came home to find he had left her down in that shit-box room without even checking on her for almost twenty fucking hours. But then I found her like that. And when I saw the blood, I thought she had really hurt herself and my world stopped turning. It was only as I was lifting her into my arms that I realized she had gotten her period and I have never been so relieved in my entire life.
Shane looks up and glares at me as I stride over to his desk. “Did you fuck her?” I snarl.
He continues glaring at me, his jaw set and a vein throbbing in his temple, but I clearly saw the pair of torn panties in that room downstairs. I’m pretty sure Jessie didn’t rip them off herself.
“Did you fuck her?” I shout this time.
“Yes,” he snaps, and I have to stop myself from jumping over his desk and punching him in the mouth.
“So, it’s just me and the twins who have to keep away from her, is that it? But you can fuck her whenever you feel like it?”
“It just happened,” he snaps, his eyes narrowed at me in anger.
“Seriously? You just fell into her?”
“You know what I mean.”