“Twenty-four hours on her own to think about where she is, what’s she’s done, and how her only way out is to talk to us.”
“With no food or water?” Liam asks.
I shake my head in response.
“Fuck, Shane,” he snarls
“It’s one day, Liam. She’s got some water down there and she’s not going to starve.”
“Conor wouldn’t be happy about this,” Mikey says with a low whistle and a flash of his eyebrows.
“Well, Conor’s not here. Besides, last time I checked, I was the one in charge around here.”
"She’s going to hate us for leaving her like that,” Liam says with a shake of his head.
“She already hates us, kid,” I remind him before I turn back to Mikey. “What time is dinner?”
“Twenty minutes,” he replies.
“Good. I’ll be back in twenty then. I need to take a shower,” I say, not giving them a chance to ask me why. I need to wash her scent off me because it is driving me fucking crazy.
The last thing I want to do is leave Jessie down there all alone. I would much rather bring her up here, tie her to my bed, and keep her there forever. But I don’t trust myself not to fall for her lies again. And if she didn’t get to me, then she would get to one of my brothers instead. Because we all think with our dicks around her.
I tell myself that, but the truth is so much more devastating. We all gave her our hearts. We gave her everything and she threw it in our faces. And no matter what excuse she comes up with, whatever lies she might tell to convince my brothers, I will never forgive her for it.
It seems like it’s been a few hours since Shane left and the cramps in my stomach started shortly after. At first I wondered if they were brought on by the sex. Not that it was particularly rough, at least not by Shane’s standards, but they have been growing stronger and stronger. I groan loudly as I feel the warm, sticky wetness between my legs and realize my period has started a few days early and has chosen to arrive at the worst possible time. I don’t even have any damn panties since Shane tore them off me. Just this stupid nightdress. Not even a sheet on the bed to soak up the blood. I can’t just sit on that awful uncomfortable toilet until he or one of his brothers decides I’m worthy of another visit.
I cross the room and bang on the door with my fists. “Hey. I need to speak to one of you,” I shout.
No answer.
“Hey. Please? I need some things. I’m bleeding here.”
Still no answer. Damn! I don’t even know if any of them are out there.
I go on banging on the door, yelling until my voice is hoarse and my knuckles are bruised. No-one is coming. I’m bleeding heavily now and there’s not a damn thing I can do to stem the flow. I crawl over to the mattress and lie down, curling into a ball as I start to cry again. Never in my whole life have I felt so alone. Knowing that the men I once felt so loved by are out there letting me suffer like this is so painful to me that all I want to do is fall asleep and never wake up.
Waking with a start, I shiver in the cold room. My bottom half is soaked and sticky. I have no idea how long I’ve been lying on this mattress. I must have fallen asleep and now everything is soaked in my blood. My eyes and throat are raw from crying. I feel so weak I don’t think I can stand even if I wanted to.
I don’t have the energy to look up when the door opens.
“Oh fuck, Red,” I hear someone say and assume it’s Mikey because that was what he used to call me.
Someone else walks into the room then. “What the fuck,” he says and I realize it’s Conor and my heart almost breaks in two. I hear mumbling between the two of them, but I can’t make out what they’re saying and I no longer care. The Ryan brothers can all go to hell.
I have a sudden sense of movement and my eyes snap open as I realize Conor has lifted me off the bed. I try to recoil from him, but his arms are huge and I am wrapped in them. “Get your hands off me!” I can only croak the words because my voice is so damn hoarse from screaming and shouting for help.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Jessie,” he says softly, “but we need to get you cleaned up.”
I don’t have the strength to fight him, so instead I close my eyes and wait for whatever fresh hell is in store for me next. I can smell gasoline and fresh air as he walks me through the basement and toward the elevator before he steps inside. A few moments later, I hear the ping of the door opening, signaling we’ve arrived at wherever he’s taking me.
“What the fuck?” I hear Shane’s voice saying from nearby and Conor’s arms tense around me, but I still don’t open my eyes.