“Say my name and I’ll let you come.”
I shake my head. I won’t do it. I hate him.
Except I don’t.
“Damn. Shane,” I groan and he sinks his teeth into my neck as he increases the pressure on all the places he's touching me until I come apart around him, trembling so much that he has to hold me upright.
My orgasm seems to send him over the edge too as he presses my body flush to the wall and fills me with his cum.
“Fuck, Jessie,” he hisses, and then he releases me, staggering backwards before zipping up his fly and buckling his belt.
I turn around and watch him. There are so many emotions raging through my body that I don’t know which one to deal with. Stupidly, I hope for some sort of connection with him, but he doesn’t even look at me. That can’t have meant nothing. Two bodies don’t do that together without there being something between them, do they?
But he doesn’t glance my way again. Instead, he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him, tearing out my heart in the process. I have endured more pain and humiliation and torment in ten years than most people experience in a lifetime, but I have never felt so empty and worthless as I do right now.
I am nothing to him. I am nothing to anyone anymore. Even my father has changed so much from the man I knew. He wants a daughter who doesn’t speak, doesn’t question or challenge him in any way. One that will give him grandchildren and never cause him an ounce of trouble. And that is most definitely not me.
I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the cold stone floor and start to sob quietly.
My blood thunders around my body as I stumble through the door and pull it closed behind me. Pressing my forehead against the cold steel, I suck in a lungful of air.
What the fuck have I just done?
I convinced my brothers that they should let me deal with Jessie, because I don’t trust them to keep their hands off her and, clearly, I can’t either. Five minutes alone with her and I have my fingers and my cock inside her. And fuck, I wanted to throw her down on that bed and taste her too, and I know she would have let me.
Whatever has happened between us, her body still responds to mine the way it always has. I close my eyes as the memories of all the times I have eaten her sweet cunt overwhelm me. All the times she has moaned my name. The times she told me that she loved me. The times she looked me in the eyes and swore to me she would never leave us. And I believed her.
My pulse races and my heart pounds as I try to steady my breathing. Jessica Romanov has a hold over me that I can’t explain. Even though I want to hate her with everything I have, I can’t fucking resist her. Running my tongue over my lower lip, I taste the blood from where she scratched me. Unconsciously, I lift my hand and brush two fingers over the small cut and instantly regret it because I taste her on me and the blood rushes straight back to my cock.
Why won’t you just fucking talk to us, Jessie? Tell us this is all a huge misunderstanding so that I can fucking breathe again.
But she won’t. Because she can’t. She's a liar and a manipulator. And if she won’t talk to me now, then I’m going to have to be a little harder on her.
Pushing myself back from the door, I walk back through the basement to the elevator. Conor is out of town for the night, which gives me the perfect opportunity to test Jessie’s limits a little further, because he would never agree to what I’m about to suggest to the twins.
I find the twins in the kitchen. Mikey is making dinner while Liam sits at the island scrolling through his cell phone. They both glance up as I walk in and I wonder if they can see on my face what just happened downstairs. Or whether they will smell her on me if I get too close.
“How is she?” Liam asks, his eyes narrowed at me as though he knows what I’ve just done.
“Still not talking,” I reply with a shrug as I walk to the refrigerator and take out a bottle of water.
“Shit! Still?” Mikey frowns before glancing at the stove. “Should I make her some dinner?”
“No,” I say before taking a long drink of water. “If she refuses to talk, then perhaps we’re being too nice?”
“Too nice? She’s locked in a tiny room with nothing but a bed and a crapper. How exactly are we being nice?” Liam snaps.
“She’s getting food and water. She’s been here for two days and I’ve given her plenty of opportunities to talk to me. Perhaps what she needs is a little time to herself?”
“What are you suggesting?” Mikey says.