“And you say I’m blinded by her. A few minutes in her company and you can’t help but bury your dick in her? And was she even okay with it?”
“Of course she fucking was, Conor,” he snarls at me.
“What the fuck, Shane?” I snarl back. “How could you just fuck her and then leave her down there like that? How could you not check on her?”
“She’s okay, isn’t she? Liam told me she got her period. I didn’t know she was bleeding. She was fine when I left her.”
“But you left her for almost a whole fucking day and night, Shane. Anything could have happened to her. Why the fuck would you do that?”
“What the hell else was I supposed to do, Conor? She won’t fucking talk. She’s working for the Russian mob and she won’t give us any answers. She’s had every fucking opportunity to talk and she refuses to.”
“You don’t know that she’s working for them,” I remind him.
He shakes his head at me, the way he used to when I was fourteen years old and I’d come home drunk after staying out all night. “You are so fucking blind when it comes to her.”
Planting my hands on his desk, I lean forward. “I’m blind?” I shout. “You refuse to consider any possibility other than her betraying us. There are other reasons why she might have left, but you won’t listen to any of them.”
He stands up and leans forward too. “She was holding his fucking hand, Conor. She didn’t look frightened or threatened or any of the other things you’ve suggested to me these past few days. In fact, she looked fucking thrilled to be walking out on us.”
“You don’t fucking know that though.”
“No, I don’t,” he snarls. “And while she refuses to give us any explanation, I suppose my theory will just have to do, won’t it? Maybe we’ll never understand why she left. But I do know that she ripped out our fucking hearts, and I will never forgive her for that.”
“So, what do you plan on doing with her, then?” I lean back, my arms crossed over my chest.
He shrugs. “Fuck knows.”
“You know that we’re going to have to let her go eventually?”
“What?” he frowns at me.
“If she doesn’t want to be here, then what’s the alternative, Shane? Because I’ll be fucked if I’ll let you hurt her any more than we already have, or send her back down to that basement.”
“I want answers, Conor. She needs to explain herself. I need to understand why she left with him and what the hell she was doing here in the first place.”
We’re interrupted by a knock at the door and I turn around to see Liam opening it. “Doc is on her way,” he says to Shane.
Shane nods in response.
“You called Lisa?” I ask him.
“I didn’t know what was up with her until Liam told me. Probably best we get her checked over anyway,” he shrugs.
“Yeah,” I nod in agreement, and it’s only then that I realize his anger is masking everything else he’s feeling. The pain of losing her. The guilt at the state we’ve just found her in. Shane loves her just as much as I do, but he will never admit it. It’s easier for him to pretend that he hates her. I wish I could hate her too. I wish I could let her walk out of here and be happy to never see her face again. But the thought of doing that makes me sick to my stomach. We need to find a solution to this nightmare we’ve ended up in. And soon.
Ifeel my brothers’ eyes burning into me as we sit waiting for Lisa to finish checking Jessie over. When Conor walked out of the elevator with her and I saw her covered in blood, I swear my heart stopped beating. For a few awful moments, I thought she’d hurt herself, and that we would lose her for good. Conor was furious with me, and I couldn’t blame him. It was Liam who started my heart again, whispering in my ear and telling me she had gotten her period. And because I’d left her in that room with nothing other than a bare mattress and a few sheets of tissue paper, she’d had nothing to soak up the bleeding.
As a precaution, I called Lisa and asked her to check Jessie over anyway. Perhaps it was a way of easing my guilt, although I would never admit that to anyone.
Lisa walks through to the kitchen and places her medical bag on the table with a heavy sigh.
“How is she?” Conor asks.