“Amongst other things?” she teased him, sliding over his lap letting her hands slip up into his hair as she kissed him.
“Mmm, damn honey,” he groaned ten minutes later pulling her tightly against him as blood rushed to his groin. “You make me forget where we are Brianna.”
“Me too,” she sighed turning to sit across his lap, leaning back against the arm of the couch to stare up at him. She slid her hand into his running her fingertips over the palm of his hand simply to feel him, feel connected to him.
“You have no idea what you do to me do you, angel?” he asked her quietly as he did his best to control the need she aroused with her simple touch.
“Maybe a little,” she said smiling up at him, enjoying the way his hand tightened as she teased it with her fingers.
“If we weren’t at your parents’ house I would leave to take you home, spend all weekend in bed with you and then if we had any strength at all, get up Monday morning and start it all over again,” he whispered against her ear as he leaned over her, putting a full smile on her lips he had to taste.
“Is that right? Well did I mention my bedroom’s the furthest from anyone else’s and it has really,reallythick walls?” she whispered back, and his hands tightened on her waist slightly.
“You think you can be that quiet?” he teased skimming his hand along her breast hidden from view in case anyone came back into the room.
“Mhmm…can you?” she questioned letting him claim her lips fully in answer.
“Don’t you dare mess with them,” Grandma Helen said pointing her finger at Ashley as she began to walk into the living room. “You are not going to upset your sister again. I dare say that man will eat you alive if you try it.”
“She’s not worth it,” Ashley said letting out a huff of breath, Jacob leading her to the kitchen as she caught sight of them wrapped around each other on the couch. “Really, you’re just going to let that happen on the couch?” she questioned the others when they walked into the room.
“Let what happen?” Grace asked.
“She’s just miffed because Brianna’s boy is showing her his affection,” Grandma Helen stated calming the others down as worry mounted. “You leave your sister alone.”
“As I said, she’s not worth it,” Ashley repeated, and Alexander gave her a long disappointed fatherly look.
“That right there is what the problem is Ashley Renee. I don’t know why you’re causing grief with your sister, but you need to stop now. She is your sister, our daughter, and she is pregnant. She does not need you causing issues adding stress onto her.”
“Naturally let’s baby the baby…it’s always about Brianna who cares about the middle child, right?” Ashley returned.
“Oh, don’t even start that crap,” Grace said narrowing her gaze on her. “You’ve always been jealous of Brianna, from the moment she was born you’ve put her down, usually in order to get attention. You know, maybe if you didn’t follow someone else’s lead you might accidentally be happy. It seems to have worked for Brianna.”
“Whatever,” Ashley said grabbing a new glass of wine ignoring the look from her husband that said she’d had enough. She could never have enough when dealing with her baby sister who could do no wrong in their parents’ eyes.
Chapter 6
“Brianna!” she heard someone exclaim excitedly as she handed a few items over to the lead secretary for their marketing department. She turned her face, spying Megan heading towards her quickly. She spotted Carter not far behind her and moved over to meet them, letting the woman hug her tightly.
“Let her breathe, Mom,” Carter mused slipping around to her side, stealing her lips in a kiss once she’d released her. “Hi angel, I’ve missed you today,” he added against her temple as his hand slid up into her hair as he breathed her in, unable to stop himself despite the number of people milling about the lobby thanks to it being lunchtime.
“Whose fault is that for scheduling meetings all morning out of the office?” she teased him knowing there was another on his calendar for this afternoon she’d put there to ensure he’d be at the appointment with her although he didn’t know that.
“Mine and it looks like I only have about an hour before I have another,” he stated leading his two favorite women upstairs to the office before his mother spilled the news of their impending parenthood to the company. Brianna’s stomach was slowly growing, and he was certain that in a couple more weeks, everyone would know with just a glance at her, but he didn’t want that coming out from his mother.
“Really?” Megan said her face falling slightly. “I wanted to take you two to lunch and then shopping to help Brianna with the baby’s room. I couldn’t stop from buying some little things on the rest of the cruise,” she added as she held up a bag to show them.
“That sounds far more enjoyable than the meeting for this afternoon with the Thompsons,” Carter said as the door opened and Marsha came into the office.
“Perfect timing,” Brianna said giving her a smile. “We’re going to lunch and then we’ll be out for the rest of the afternoon. If you need anything just give me a call or text me,” she told the woman surprising Carter.
“Anything fun planned?” Marsha asked as she logged onto the computer and checked out Carter’s calendar along with the other main executives to know who would and wouldn’t be available for the afternoon.
“Nothing with the Thompsons could ever be considered fun,” Carter said, and Brianna laughed lightly. “You’re the one that scheduled it so don’t give me that laugh,” he said giving her a teasing glare.
“Trust me Carter, this appointment with Thompson you’re going to love,” she said taking out her reminder card with the doctor’s name on it. “See,” she said holding it up in front of his face with a grin.