Page 5 of Speed's Ride

“Know that shit,” Shadow grunts.

“How about you fill us all in on this shit, starting with what the fuck happened with my nephew,” Chains growls.

“Let’s have a seat, and we’ll fill you in,” Whip states, rubbing a hand over his face, looking exhausted.

We all move into the living room and take seats or lean against the wall.

“So, what happened?”

I thought it would be Shadow or Whip who starts talking, but it’s Cyprus who does. He fills us in on what happened with Jamie. That Perrin fucker sent Lily to them. She was to pretend to be a clubwhore, get to Jamie, and bring him to her. Evidently, he offered her a bit of freedom for showing her loyalty. Instead, she stood close to protect the boy knowing Perrin would send someone else. He did, but not before Victoria figured shit wasn’t right.

Damn woman is smart as shit and knows when something isn’t right.

Lily was shot in the process of keeping the cunt, as they called her, from taking him away.

Cyprus takes a breath before shaking his head and shocking the hell out of us with the rest of the story. Lily is Perrin’s personal pet. She’s been with him since she was five. The fucker made her life a living hell.

“So, because of some sob story, you all believe her?” Breaker grunts.

“No, we believe her because we’ve all witnessed the way she’s acted from the moment she stepped into the clubhouse. She wasn’t there to be a clubwhore,” Kevlar grumbles. “She wasn’t fucked by anyone. She might’ve done one, maybe two blowjobs, but otherwise stuck to cleaning and cooking, helping the ol’ ladies, and sticking to the outskirts of us single brothers.”

Hearing the other man talk about the woman in the other room giving blowjobs has me grinding my teeth. I don’t know why. Fuck, I don’t even know the bitch. She’s nobody to me, yet the thought of her sucking someone’s dick doesn’t sit well.

“Also, Raven has a message for you all. This all needs to end where it began,” Venom states nonchalantly. “Said that Lily will be the key to helping you all finish what needs to be done. Kill the fucker and be done with the bullshit once and for all.”

We all know Raven is like her mother with her gifts. It’s eerie as fuck, but those in our club and theirs know to listen to them when they speak. They’ve never steered us wrong. Not once.

“She actually said ‘Kill the fucker’?” Ryder chuckles.

“Fuck yeah, she did.” Whip snorts. “Shocked the hell out of us when she did. She doesn’t ever say something like that when she’s speaking her mumbo jumbo. It’s always discreet.”

“She’s tired of the shit like we are,” Pitch Black growls. He’s Raven’s big brother and also our enforcer. The man’s also one of the best men I know, and I’m glad to be able to call him my brother.

“So, what am I supposed to do with this girl?” Chains grunts. “She’s Perrin’s pet. How do we know she’s not going to turn and go back to him?”

“Because I’ve wished for death more times than I can count at his hands, and never has that happened,” the sweet voice fills the room with a tremble, getting our attention.

“What are you doing up, Lily?” Kevlar asks.

Lily fidgets and looks around the room before quietly speaking. “I need the bag Ranger and Tinsley put together for me.”

“Fuck,” Shadow growls. “Sorry, darlin’, I forgot about that.”

“Forgot about what?” Breaker asks.

I furrow a brow and watch Lily as Shadow prowls out of the house.

“Lily got an infection a couple of days after being shot. She refused to let us take her to the hospital. Ranger and the others did what they could, but we had to bring someone to help her because it got bad,” Cyprus informs us all. “Pitch Black, it might be good to have your ol’ lady take a look and keep an eye on her.”

Shadow returns and sets a bag down on the edge of the couch. “You okay if we do this right here?”

Lily nods and lifts her shirt to just below her tits and holds it up while Shadow works at removing the bandage there. There’s no stopping from grimacing at the sight of her wound. It’s red and angry-looking.

“I’ll give Angelina a call.” I hear Pitch Black grumble.

“It’s looking better, Lils,” Whip states softly.

“It doesn’t hurt as badly,” Lily whispers.Soon, Shadow finishes cleaning and re-bandaging. Lily drops her shirt back in place. “Thank you.”