Page 6 of Speed's Ride

“No problem. Now, do you want to go lay back down?” Shadow asks.

“No, I want to explain myself. If they’re going to help me, then they need to know the truth,” she says, surprising me with her strength.

“Then go ahead and enlighten us into what we don’t know.” Ryder growls, causing Lily to flinch.

“If you’re doing this, then sit down,” Kevlar orders.

Lily sits down, eyes cast down, and begins. “Five years old. That’s how old I was when my parents sold me to Perrin for drugs. They couldn’t care less about me. They wanted drugs more. From the day Perrin took me, it’s been nothing but torture in one way or another.”

“That sick fucker.” Ryder sneers.

“Brake’s going to lose his shit,” Lynch utters.

“Yep.” I nod, agreeing with him.

I watch the way Lily swallows and continues. She explains things, and I’m assuming not leaving anything out, everything growing up and what she endured at his hands. My stomach twists at the words as they pass her lips, horrifying me that she could have gone through all of that. Still, Perrin and those he has working under him are sick bastards.

“In the past couple of years, Perrin has been working on a drug that makes the one dosed compliant and will do as told. They think the way it works is if they tell you something, the victim believes it, but that’s not how it is. I knew what I was doing, I just couldn’t do anything about it. It’s like being frozen in your own body, watching yourself doing things you don’t want to be doing . . .”

“According to the cunt who thought she could fuck with us and take Jamie and Lily both, she said it works well with heavenly rose,” Cyprus sneers, interrupting Lily.

I stiffen, knowing exactly what they’re talking about. We’d all heard about that bullshit drug.

“Perrin offered me a bit of freedom if I could prove my loyalty to him. Said if I would get Jamie and bring the little boy to him, I could have it,” she whispers and shakes her head. “No freedom is worth a little boy’s life. I had to protect him. With me in place, I knew when the time was right, I could warn Victoria. I could help keep him safe.”

“How old are you?” I find myself asking.

Her head jerks back, and she meets my gaze for the briefest second before she drops it back to the floor. “Twenty-two.”

Twenty-two fucking years old, and she’s been at the hands of Perrin since she was five.

Yeah, she’s been through hell. Lived in it for far more years than not.

Listening to her story, I know she’s not a liar. There’s nothing about her that screams deceit. She’s innocent and needs someone to protect her. I guess that’s why the men here from the Devil’s Riot are willing to stand in front of her. I get it because, not even knowing her, I want to do the same.

Something about her cries out to me, and I have to shut the thought down. She’s not someone who could handle me. I’d be too damn rough on her.



Days pass, turning into weeks since the guys dropped me off. Three weeks altogether. I’ve done nothing but lay around in order to heal. It’s something I’m not used to.

When hurt, Perrin would always make me do things still. I wasn’t allowed time to heal.

I feel as if I’m going out of my mind.

After I gave them my story, I was introduced to all the men of the Inferno’s Clutch MC. Chains being in charge like I figured. He’s the President, and his cousin Tyres is his VP. I also met Breaker, Pitch Black, Speed, and Lynch. Pitch Black’s ol’ lady even came by. She’s a doctor and did a full examination of my wounds and took inventory of what Ranger and Tinsley sent with me. She’d nodded, satisfied with that, though she also got me more antibiotics. Angelina did lab work, and when the results came back in, she put me on a few vitamins.

Speed and Lynch have been staying with me and on top of everything. Well, Speed has been the main one doing it. Lynch, though, is still standoffish. Something about the way he acts reminds me of Harlow. Then again, that’s his sister. When it comes to Speed, he’s a totally different story. The way he acts should scare me.

Whenever I’ve tried to venture too far from the bed, he’s gotten on my case about it. Said I won’t do myself any favors by not listening and doing as I’m supposed to.

It’s honestly driving me up the wall. It doesn’t help that he’s hot. I find myself staring at him, soaking in his looks every chance I get. I don’t know what it is about him, but I find him sexy. I’m also not one for thinking such things. To make matters worse, when he’s around, I find myself tongue-tied. I can’t form full sentences. I try, and they come out with more ums, ughs, and me simply staring with my mouth gaping open.

To pass the time, I was given a Kindle already filled with books, and the remote to a TV they hung on the wall across from me. Sometimes, one or both of them will join me to watch one thing or another. Though, I don’t think I could watch another thing on TV without my brains leaking from my ears.

So, to sum it all up, I’m over being stuck in bed watching TV and reading. I want out of this room and to be able to feel the sun.