Never again will life be anything but what she wants it to be. Not while I’m breathing.
I ride hard. Fuck hard. Everything I do is hard. But for Lily, I’ll ride it sweet like knowing it’s for her, with her, and only her.
And it’s a sweet I really like.
Fuck, I love the sweet that she gives me, and I’m gonna enjoy the sweet ride I’m gonna give her until I’m no longer here to give it to her.
Three Years Later . . .
“Babycakes,” Speed calls from the bottom of the stairs. “Let’s get a move on it, we’re already running late.”
“I’m coming,” I shout and set the brush down, giving myself a once over in the mirror, and head for the stairs.
In the past few years, I’ve grown in so many ways. All of them good. Some even beautiful.
After everything was handled with Perrin, the first thing to happen was Speed and I got a house built like the others did. Lynch even built one right next to ours. It’s nice having a space to make a home. Never before did I think this would happen. Not in my wildest dreams. Speed changed that for me. He changed everything, and I will forever love him for it.
Tonight, we’re going to the clubhouse for a party. We’ve got members of the Montana, Arizona, and Florida charters in town. Over the years, there have been a few parties like this, but tonight, it’s different. We’re celebrating Shock and Steel taking an ol’ lady. Considering they’re originally from here and transferred to the Montana charter, I didn’t think we’d have a celebration here. But Tiny’s their cousin, and she demanded it, claiming she wanted to meet the woman who stole their hearts.
I personally hadn’t met her yet. I spent most of the time in the clubhouse’s kitchen prepping for tonight’s party.
Talk about food galore. I learned and became a really good cook. Good enough that last year when the diner’s owner decided to sell, Speed and Breaker bought it for me. Breaker refused to let Speed do it alone and said he wouldn’t be a good big brother if he didn’t help out. I love working at the diner. I changed it up some, made it more modern, and the food is even better.
What I haven’t done is have a baby. Speed and I talked about it, but I wasn’t ready. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready, though I know one day I want a family with Speed. I love seeing the way he is with his brothers’ kids. I know he’ll be a good dad to our own and protect them in a way neither of us were. He’d do whatever it takes to give a child the life they deserve. I want to be able to give this as well. But only when the time is right, we’ll have that, not before. I know without a doubt, it’ll happen. I’m sure of it. The very fact that we both have overcome so much in the past, finally found happiness . . . you can’t have a happily ever after without it being well rounded. I mean, that’s the way it is in books, and I refuse to settle for less. It’s probably stupid to think that way, but I can dream.
Making my way downstairs, I smile when I spot Speed standing there, arms crossed and looking peeved. Not really peeved, he doesn’t get mad with me. That doesn't mean we don’t have arguments.
The first time we had one was because I didn’t want anyone telling Felix or any of the other DeLancy siblings that they had another sibling. I didn't want to disrupt their lives. I already impeded in on Breaker’s. Not that he’s complaining. Speed thought I needed to let the DeLancys know. Said they deserved to hear the truth. He ended up winning the argument, mainly due to Chains taking it upon himself to call and fill Felix in on the truth. It was a shock and adjustment. I don’t really talk to them much, but I do talk to them.
With all that had happened, what I’d been through in my life, there’s only so much I can handle. Finding out I had even more family was just one thing to many. I mean, I know I can’t blame them, they didn’t know. Perrin made sure that no one really knew, though he gave clues about what he would say to keep the questions in the back of a person’s mind.
“You finally ready?” Speed asks, dropping his gaze to take in my outfit. With the dim lighting, I can still see his eyes darken with lust and approval as he grins mischievously.
It took me a bit, once the dust settled, to finally decide to find my own way, my own style. My hair that’s always been long, I kept it that way. Speed loves to be able to wrap my hair in his fingers, and I admit I do too.My clothes, though, I found I love wearing jeans. I stick to skinny jeans most of the time with the occasional bootcut and flare, but those are the times I wear my combat boots Speed bought me. The rest of the time, it’s flat boots that come up to my knee. It’s one of the few things I love to buy myself. Boots of any style, as long as it’s flat booted or a very small heel.
Most of the time, I match these up with hoodies. However, I do have other shirts, all fitted to show off my curves. This is something Speed loves. He doesn’t have to say it for me to see it in his eyes. He enjoys seeing me show off my body for him.
However, tonight’s outfit, Tiny, and the others convinced me to the dark side a bit. The other day, we’d all gone shopping, and I’d bought a pair of boots that came way above the knee, and I matched it with a mini denim skirt. My shirt was low cut and showed an ample amount of cleavage. It’s hot, and I was hoping that he would like it.
“I’m ready,” I murmur, stopping directly in front of him.
“Babycakes, you ain’t ready to go to the party,” he remarks, hands coming to settle on my hips.
“I'm not?” I breathe, watching his gaze and the way he steps close to me.
“Nope, the way you look right now, you’re looking ready to get fucked by your man,” Speed announces. He tightens his grip on my waist, lifts me off the stairs, tosses me over his shoulder, and starts up the stairs, taking me back to our room. “And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”
Well, I guess he likes what I’m wearing.
* * *
“You know if we don’t get up, we’re not going to be making it to the party,” I whisper, content to be in his arms.
“Don’t care,” he grunts, trailing his fingers up and down my bare back. “I’m good right here.”