Rounding the dead bastard, I glance down and spot a paper on the table next to him. Lifting it, I scan over it and curse.
“Bastard.” A sneer on my lips, I read the damn thing to the others.
“I knew you would come for me with that last threat. As much as I want my Lily back, I want to make you all pay more. You see, I always get what I want. Always. I refuse to allow lowlifes like yourselves to beat me. So, I dealt the hands at play, and because of this, I know everything that will come to pass. Something you’ll soon find out. You see, I may have taken my own life, but there’s one man above me with more power. It might be rumored he’s dead, that doesn’t mean his power doesn’t remain. To seal all of your fates, I’ve signed the papers with the devil. You think it’s over with my death, but it’s not. In my death, I’ll know you have lost. Everything will be gone for you. You’ll lose the ones you love most. My vengeance was only the beginning. He’ll come for you. All of you. If you think what I’ve done to sweet Lily is the worst, fear not, he’ll make you all suffer.
“And I will answer the question you must all have. Lily is the daughter of Arlene and Delano. She was created to be my pet. Not that Delano knew. You see, Arlene wanted to toy with Delano, and when he didn’t take the bait, she decided to do something else altogether. That’s when Lily was born. She’ intended to use the girl as a way to Delano. I found out first and bought the girl, she fit my agenda perfectly.
“Now, as for those of you who are your father’s blood and grandfather’s, I will see to it that in this life or the next, you suffer for taking what is rightfully mine. Lily knows, and Lily learned to be my good girl. To do as I say. She’s sweet and knows how to. . .”
“Fuck I can’t repeat the rest of this shit,” I snarl, balling the paper in my hand. “I don’t want to read what he did to her.”
It’ll only piss me off all the more that he beat me to the punch.
“He killed himself to keep us from taking his ass out,” Breaker snarls.
“Who the fuck is he talking about?” Tyres growls.
“Pennington,” Lynch states.
I nod, agreeing with him. “He had to be talking about Pennington. What papers, though?”
“That’s what we need to find out.” Chains glares at the body of Perrin and curls his lip in hatred. “Fuse, I want you to find out what the fuck was on those papers.”
“You got it, Prez,” Fuse mutters. “Brake, Speed, Lynch, help me get all the files out to the bikes. I want everything this bastard has on hand.”
“Make sure to check the rest of this damn place as well,” Chain commands. “Torch, prep the house for when we’re done. I want the whole damn thing leveled.”
“On it, Prez.” Torch gives a two-finger salute and heads out of the room.
* * *
For the next few hours, we finish going through the house. One of the rooms I went into had to have been Lily’s, and the sight of it had my stomach churning. It didn’t take much to imagine what she endured in this room. Chains on the wall. Shackles on the bed. Bars on the windows. Little skimpy things to wear in the closet. Kits for preparing herself in the drawers. The sight infuriated me.
I made sure the others didn’t go in there, or the room that Lily told me about. The one where she’d be punished. It was far worse than what she let on, and I wish to God I could make the fucker suffer. He died way too easy for what he did. It enrages me that he was able to get away with what he did without paying the consequences.
“I’ve got all the files,” Fuse announces, holding a folder in one hand and slapping it against his thigh.
“What’s that one?” Chains demands, giving a jerk of his chin.
“Something I wish I never had to see,” Fuse answers and holds the folder out to me. “You want to know the true horrors your woman lived through? Take a look at these.”
Slowly, I take the folder, open it, glance down, flip through a few of the images, and slam the damn thing shut. “Burn this shit with the rest of the place.” I don’t ever want to have to see those images again. It was bad enough seeing her room, but to see those, fuck, I want to shield my woman from ever going through anything horrible about the world.
“Do I even want to take a guess as to what’s in that file?” Breaker grunts.
“Fuck no, you don’t.” I stalk from the room back to where Perrin sits dead. I toss the folder to the floor at his feet, pull my knife out, jab it with enough force right between his eyes, and twist it in place. “Burn in hell, motherfucker.” He might not be able to hear me, but it makes me feel better.
Turning toward my brothers, I stare at them, knowing they see the pure rage inside me. “Don’t give a fuck what y’all do now, but I’m heading back to the clubhouse.” I need to set eyes on my woman and know that she’s good. That she’s safe from the past.
“I’m with you,” Chains declares, and Breaker nods.
“We’ll finish this shit up and be right behind y’all,” Tyres grunts.
I don’t bother agreeing with them or saying another word. I simply make my way from what was once Lily’s prison to my bike.
It’s time to get back to her. To ensure that for the rest of her life, she knows nothing but freedom and to be on the back of my bike. To take the ride of a lifetime with me by her side.
She’s mine, and I’m hers. I won’t let anything come between us, and I’ll kill anyone who tries.