I take my time, pulling out, only to thrust deep each time. I keep the movements powerful, but slow. I burn the intensity between us nice and bright. Just the sight of her being enthralled in the pleasure is enough to send me the edge. Needing more, I start plowing into her, coming over her to claim her mouth. I drink in her cries of pleasure, and fuck, if the way her pussy doesn’t constrict around me draw my release from my balls. I spill myself inside her as I have every other time. Consequences be damned. It’ll just be another thing to add to the list. But that will wait.
Wait until my woman and I have enjoyed each other for more than this moment.
Breathing heavily, still seated deeply inside Lily, I roll us until she’s sprawled on top of me.
“That was . . .” Lily breathes, not able to finish what she was saying. Not that words are needed.
“Yeah,” I mutter, stroking up and down her spine.
Lily lays still, the only sound is that of our breathing. I keep myself buried inside her and don’t pull out. The way she fits around me, I want to stay as long as I can. Unfortunately, I don’t get to stay this way for much longer.
The time for us to talk is now. She needs to know everything. From what happened today, what I found out, to that of my mother and what I endured at her hands.
First things first, shower, get cleaned up, and order food. I highly doubt she’s eaten much at all today.
Swatting at her ass, I lift her off my cock with a groan. “Come on, babycakes, let’s get cleaned up.”
“Can’t we stay like this a while longer?” she asks, her head coming off my chest, eyes pleading, and mouth pouting. It’s fucking cute, and I can’t deny it.
“Yeah, we can stay like this a while longer. Long as you want,” I answer. “But we’re still gonna have to talk, and I want to make sure you eat something.”
“What do we need to talk about?”
I don't miss the reluctance in her voice.
“There’s a shit ton we’ve got to talk about.”
“But does it have to be now?”
Sighing, I cup the side of her face, “Sorry to say, babycakes, but some of it needs to be talked about. The sooner, the better.”
Lily eyes me, seeing that I’m serious about this and won’t give in on it, and nods with a sigh. “Okay,” she whispers, rolls off me, and drags the sheets up and over her breasts, shielding her body.
Wanting her to feel comfortable with what we’re about to talk about, I climb out of bed, nab my shirt off the dresser, and toss it to her. “Put this on, babycakes,” I tell her and grab my jeans, pull them on, leaving them unbuttoned. I climb back on the bed, adjust myself against the headboard, and pull Lily to my side.
“First things first,” I mutter and brush my fingers through her hair. “Today, a lot happened. With the bitch who tried to use the system to take you away from me. Finding out Fuse did the marriage certificate thing and the restraining order. You talking to the others about a memory you had. You good with all this? I want to know where your head’s at with it all.”
“I already told you I was okay with what Fuse did,” Lily utters, pushes up, and sits facing me with her legs crossed, her fingers fidgeting. “The rest . . .” she shrugs, “it was my life. I can’t forget the past no matter how much I want to.”
“But . . .” I know there’s more to it.
“But the whole thing scares me. All of it. I fear the day Perrin himself comes after me. He might be older, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t kept himself in good health. He doesn’t even look as old as he really is,” she says and keeps going. “I mean everything in my life when it comes to him, it’s been nothing but hell. I was a pet to him. Property that belongs solely to him. I wasn’t allowed to do anything without his approval first until the day he wanted to test my loyalty. And I failed him. I don’t regret what I did. I would gladly have died to keep Jamie safe for Victoria. None of them, not her, not Tiny, not any of the people I’ve met since being here, deserve to suffer at the hands of Perrin.”
“Lily,” I say her name, but she shakes her head and keeps on with her rant.
“It’s horrible being at the hands of Perrin. He hates Chains for some reason. All of them, and I don’t know why. He’d get in moods and end up hurting me when things don’t go the way he wanted them to. When I say he’d hurt me, I’m not talking about beating me or anything like that. It was always sexual. Well, it wasn’t always sexual. When I was little, he’d make me stand naked in front of him while holding a stack of books in front of me. Other times, I’d have to stand on a bed of nails. As I got older, it changed. By the time I learned my lesson, I knew better than to fight him.”
“How did he hurt you sexually?” I demand. This is something I need to know so in the future, I know not to do it to her.
Lily stares at me for a moment, eyes wide, and bites her lip.
“Lily, babycakes, this is something I need to know,” I explain softly, leaning toward her to stroke my fingers across her cheek. “I need to know what not to do when it comes to us and anything sexual. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“When it comes to you, I don’t think you could do anything I wouldn’t like,” she whispers.
“Still need to know,” urging her, I lean deeper to press a kiss to her lips. “I’m not one for taking chances.”
Lily stares for long moments and nods. “Perrin would use things like dildos, a crop, and allow others to play with me. Sometimes he’d bite me. That was the only time he’d mark me. Was when he wanted to use his teeth. The worst was when he’d take me into the chamber and tie me down. He’d connect clamps to my body that sent electrode jolts through me. When he was done, I’d have to endure him inside me.”