Page 37 of Speed's Ride


My blood burns through my veins, rage unlike anything I’ve ever felt washes over me. She’s been through more than she should ever have, and I’ll make sure the bastard who’s responsible for it dies. I don’t care how as long as he gets to feel me rip his dick off and shove it down his throat first. I want him to know what it feels like to hurt the way he hurt her.

“That’s enough of that, babycakes,” I say, pulling her to me and holding her tight. “I’m going to make the motherfucker pay for all that he’s done to you. I promise you that. He’ll pay, and you won’t ever have to worry about him again.”

“But . . .”

I kiss the top of her head and stop her from saying another word. "No buts, Lily. Now that I know what you went through, I can promise you, you ain’t gonna feel that shit again. And I hate the fact I’ve got to do this, but we’ve got more shit to talk about,” I inform her. “Well, I’ve got shit I’ve got to share with you. I don't know how you’ll handle some of it. You might not like hearing it. Especially the shit I’m gonna tell you about my past.”

“You already told me about that.” Lily’s brows crease, and she stares at me, confused.

“I told you a small portion of it. What you need to know is I can relate to your past, even if just marginally,” I state, watching the way her eyes widen.

“You . . .”

“My mother is the bitch of all times. She drugged me and forced herself on me. Made me her personal toy. She allowed men to beat me. Allowed other women to fuck me, had me fuck them. Guess you can say I was her cash cow. The first chance I got, I got out of there and never looked back, but she wasn’t done with me. She comes to me wanting money, and until recently, I gave in just so she’d leave me alone. But no more, I’m not doing that anymore. I’m washing my hands of her. I want to be able to give you what you want and not have what she did to me fuck with my head. And that’s what it does. Any time she comes around, that’s what it does. Fucks with my head.”

“That's why you—”

“Yeah, babycakes, that’s why I fuck the way I do. I don’t do gentle and soft. Not with anyone else. I give it to you the way I do because you make me want to give it to you in every possible way I can,” I say, taking a breath and finishing it. “When it comes to you, I want to fuck you hard and fast, sweet and slow. Make it so we both burn like I did earlier. I also want to fuck you the way I did in the gym. Make you come for me until you think you can’t come no more. More than that, I want to spend every possible moment simply enjoying the touch of you.”

“I like the idea of that,” she whispers all breathy-like.

“I do too, but there’s more to talk about.”

“Is it about your mother? Because if it is, I’ll say now, I don’t need to know more to know I want to go track her down and kill her.” Those words do something to my chest. The fact my Lily would say them shatters what little walls were left around my heart. Fuck me, I love her.

“It’s not about my mother, but it’s good to know you feel that way.” I smirk.

“I don’t just feel that way. I’m warning you, if she comes around again, I don’t mind you having sex with me the way you do. I love it, truthfully, but fair warning, she shows up again, it’ll be the last time. I don’t care if I don’t know how to shoot a gun or wield a knife. I’ll figure it out or kill her with my own bare hands,” she snaps, holding her hands up like she was about to choke something. “I mean, it’s bad enough the life I endured. My own mother sold me, but at least it wasn’t her who did it. God, why would a parent who’s supposed to love a child do something so horrific? I hate that she did that to you, and I wish I could take the memories of it all away.”

“I think you’re doing a pretty damn good job.” I grin, enjoying this side of my woman. I’ve only ever seen her as timid, sweet, and shy. That is when I wasn’t buried inside her. Guess when she finally overcomes all the trauma she’s endured in her life, my woman will be a spitfire for sure.

“Well, good,” she remarks, huffing.

“Now, we need to discuss one last thing, and I promise we’ll drop the rest for another day,” I inform her. “And I promise it’s not about my past in any way.”

“Okay,” she whispers apprehensively, eyes assessing mine.

“It’s about you.”

“What about me?”

Confusion mars her expression, and I’m torn. I don’t want to hurt her, but she has a right to know. She needs to know. There was a reason Perrin bought her, and honestly, she might know more than she’s letting on.

“It’s about the fact . . .” I let out a heavy breath and shake my head. “Fuck, babycakes, I don’t know any easy way to say it, but to just get it out there,” I say. “Angelina did a DNA test on you and compared it to that of Chains and the others. Results came back, and you’re Breaker’s little sister.”



“What?” My breath whooshes from my lungs, and my chest tightens.

It can’t be possible. I had to have misheard him. There’s no way I have a brother. I mean, if that were true, where was he when I was little?

“Long story short, we paid a visit to the woman who was supposedly your mother. She’s not your biological mother. She did give birth to you, but as a surrogate. Your real mother, Arlene, is Breaker’s mother. Arlene, well, she paid the woman who sold you. Don’t know the full depth of that, but Perrin found out about you, offered more money, and Arlene told the woman that you were where you were supposed to be.”

“Because it would hurt people when they found out. Cripple them,” I whisper, remembering Perrin saying those last words. It was years ago, but he said them. I remember it. I was a little girl. Perrin even then, always had me with him. He’d been stroking a hand through my hair and talking to another man, telling him all about how he intended to cripple those he was after. He was going to make them pay and do it where it hurt most by taking what means most to them.