“When a man claims their woman, they belong solely to them. No one touches them but their man. She’s her man’s woman, his property . . .”
“Property,” I mutter, not liking the sound of that.
“Yeah, babycakes, but not in the way you’re thinking,” he grunts. “To be a club member’s property means something special. That woman is special. No one fucks with her unless they want a bullet between the eyes.”I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but I stay silent and listen to Speed explain. “A club member doesn’t take it lightly when he puts his claim on a woman or makes them their ol’ lady. I’ve put my claim in. My brothers know, and now, you’re gonna know. I’ve claimed you, Lily. You’re my woman. My ol’ lady.”
“Your woman. Your ol’ lady,” I whisper, the words slipping past my lips on a breath.
“Yeah, my woman. My ol’ lady. All mine,” he agrees. “I’ll also explain what it means to be mine, but that will happen at a later date when you’re ready for me. For now, I’ll tell you this, we’re going to spend time together. You’re in this room. We sleep in the same bed. When I know you’re ready for more, it will involve my mouth on yours. The rest will wait for the time being.”
My breath grows heavy with each word. They sink in, and I’m not sure how to handle it. Not the way my body wants to react, or the way my stomach tightens, or the flutter inside me. It’s all new to me, and it scares the daylights out of me. Maybe more than when he first spoke those first words to me. More than the first time I saw him on that porch.
He’s scary, but not once has he ever made me feel afraid of him. I don’t know what that should mean to me, but whatever it is, I’m guessing I’ll be finding out.
“Okay,” I find myself agreeing to what I don’t fully understand.
“Good, now we’re going to chill out, find something to watch together, and order Chinese food,” he declares.
“Can we not watch anything that I’ve been watching? It’s gotten somewhat boring,” I mumble. It’s not that I don’t like what I was watching, but it gets old after a while.
“Yeah, babycakes, we can do that.” He grins. “How about I introduce you to theHalloweenmovies?”
“Halloween movies?” I quirk a brow. “You mean like movies about Halloween?”
Speed throws his head back and laughs when he sobers his body still shaking with laughter, he grins, “No, babe, not exactly. But they’re good. The first ones are classics, but nothing can deny there’snot all the fuckin’ shit. In fact, we’re getting some popcorn, and instead of Chinese food, we’ll do pizza. Nothing beats a pizza and popcorn night filled with Michael Myers movies.”
I still don’t know what he means, but I suppose it can’t be that bad. Not with the way he relaxes and loosens his grasp on me. What I am surprised about is that I’m not as uncomfortable in being on his lap as I thought I would. It doesn’t bother me.
Speed said when we talk, this is how we’ll be doing it. Me straddling him like this. A vision of us doing other things pops into my head, and I quickly shove it away. There’s no way that something like that will happen. No way.
The man says he claims me, and that I’m his. I don’t fully understand him and what he’s talking about, but I guess I’ll be learning.
A gasp leaves my lips as Speed rolls me off his lap. I watch him closely as he makes his way toward his dresser, opens one of the drawers, and goes to the bathroom. Moments later, he comes back in nothing more than a pair of low-hanging sweatpants that leave nothing to the imagination.
He comes back to the bed and falls next to me, phone in one hand, remote in the other. I guess Halloween movies have commenced.
“Oh my God,” Lily whimpers and curls deeper in my chest, shielding her eyes with her hand, not for the first time.
“Babycakes, it’s just a movie.” I chuckle, stroking a hand through her hair.We’d watched two movies so far and on to the third one,Halloween III: Season of the Witch. It’s the only one without Michael Myers, but it's still good, nonetheless. I should probably take it easy on her and switch to something else. Maybe put onHocus Pocusor some shit like that. But I’ve got to admit, I’m enjoying her curling herself against me.
“It might be just a movie, but it’s freaking me out,” she says, her voice muffled from where she’s pressing her face into me.
“Don’t worry, babycakes, one of the characters tries to jump out at you, I’ll protect you.” I snort and stroke my hand down her spine. She allowed me to do this throughout the day while she relaxed into me.
Earlier, I’d gone out of the room long enough to pop a shit ton of popcorn and come back in here. At the end of the second movie, I finally ordered some pizza. She said she wasn’t picky, but I knew she didn’t have a preference because she was never given a chance. I’d picked two different pizzas, thinking she’d actually enjoy them instead of just eating to eat.
There’s more I want to know about her. So fucking much more. She answered the questions I’d asked her about her education. It surprised me that Perrin had made sure she was educated. Most bastards like him wouldn’t care, but she’d said it, he didn’t want a stupid whore. It’s all I can do not to grind my teeth at the thought of her being called such a thing.
When she told me she wanted to be a baker, I knew I wanted to give that to her. Then she’d gone and said something that was gut-wrenching, she didn’t know how to use an oven. Something as simple as using a kitchen appliance, and she doesn’t know how to use it.
Probably because she’s been busy with other things. Having to put up with taking what Perrin and whoever else he let use her body.
Once the pizza comes, we eat and watch the rest of the movie. I decided to give her a break from theHalloweenmovies and put on fuckingHocus Pocus. The way her eyes light up, fuck, it’s a sight to see. By the end of it, she’s still curled into me, but not to shield her eyes. No, she’s just relaxing and enjoying the movie.
“You like the movie?” I ask when the credits hit.