Page 12 of Speed's Ride

“I remember that movie,” she whispers, cocks her head back, and rewards me with a smile. “I didn’t remember it until you put it on, but it’s one of the movies my mom had and put on to entertain me while she and my dad did whatever they were doing.”

“She’d keep you busy with movies?” I cock a brow.

“She didn’t want me disturbing her, I guess. I don’t remember much, other than begging for food and crying when they’d leave me alone.” Lily shrugs and sits back up, putting space between us.

“I’ll be right back.”Getting off the bed, I gather the trash and shit. Bag it up and take it out. I’m not one for keeping anything in my room that could make a smell. I grew up in trash and got out the first chance I could. It’s why I’m not a slob. I keep shit clean. I might not do it all myself . . . I pay one of the strays who doesn’t try shit with me and knows the score . . . I hate cleaning. I’ll take the trash out, but the rest I pay to have done for me.

“Hey, Speed,” Roxy, one of the strays, all but purrs, coming up to me as I come back into the clubhouse.I hadn’t had any issues with this one. She’s newer, and I hadn’t said shit to her yet. I’d hoped the other bitches had given her the low down.

“What’s up?” I grunt.

“I was just wondering if you were looking for some company.” Stepping closer, she runs her fingers across my bare chest.

“Don’t take company from strays around here,” I inform her, brushing her hands away from me.

“But I saw you had that new girl you brought in.” She pouts, stepping into my space. “From the looks of her, she’s pretty, but can she handle a man like you?”

“Bitch, you need to learn your place.” I sneer. “Step the fuck back.”

“Do you really want me to step away from you? You’re tense, I could help you out.” The look Roxy gives me, trying to be seductive, does nothing but piss me off.

“Told you, you stupid cunt, step the fuck back,” I grind out.

“Everything good here, brother?” Lynch asks, coming toward us.

“No, it fuckin’ isn’t,” I snap, shoving Roxy away. “Bitch here won’t leave me the fuck alone. Told her already to move away from me.”

“I just wanted to help you,” Roxy says, poking her lip out.

“When a brother tells you he don’t want you, then you damn well listen,” Lynch growls, narrowing his gaze on Roxy. “You also stay the fuck away from the ol’ ladies, and you don’t talk shit about them.”

“But that girl isn’t an ol’ lady,” Roxy blurts, paling slightly.

“Lily is a fuckin’ ol’ lady, bitch. She’s my ol’ lady. So, I damn well suggest you stay the fuck away from me and her both. I see you anywhere near her, woman or not, I’ll kill you,” I snarl, nostrils flaring, my temper rising. I’m done with the bullshit cunts always trying to start some form of drama or worse, go after a woman who doesn’t need you to go through the hassle.

My woman at that. Lily’s been through e-fucking-nough.

“Brother, go on back to Lily. I’ll handle this,” Lynch says, stepping in front of me, keeping me from doing anything that I won’t regret, but it could get me in trouble with my Prez and VP.

“Yeah,” I grumble, turn my back to them, and head for my room, more than ready to be in the same room with Lily.

Opening the door, eyes on the bed, my brows crease, and panic starts to set in until I hear the shower going in my bathroom. Fuck me, she’s taking a shower.

Crossing the room, I put my ear to the door and knock. “Lily.” My voice is gruff and harsh, even to my own ears.

“Yes,” she calls out.

“You good in there?” I ask, visions of wet, hot, sleekness of her sweet body in there.

“I’m okay,” she answers. “I’ll only be a few more minutes.”

“All right, babycakes.” Stepping away from the door, I head back over to the bed, plop down, arms going behind my head, and stare at the ceiling. It’s all I can do to keep my cock from demanding attention. For Lily, I’ll restrain myself and show patience I usually don’t have for anyone else.

I hope that patience doesn’t come to an end. Because it’s Lily, I’ll do what it takes even if it runs out. She deserves it.

Listening, in tune with the sounds coming from the bathroom, I wait. The shower shuts off, and I hear her mumble something to herself. Long moments later, she emerges and fuck me if the sight of her doesn’t go straight to my dick. She confiscated one of my shirts, and it damn well dwarfs her, considering I’m six foot three.

Slowly, I scan from top to bottom, taking her in. The way she looks. Her hair wet and dangling down her back. Shooting up to a sitting position, I ask, “Where’s your brush?”