Page 41 of Iron Fist

Wrecker’s mouth closes over mine. His thrusting tongue almost chokes me, tasting of beer and stale cigarettes. Somewhere far away, I hear Tori’s voice, but my panicking brain can’t make out the words. Wrecker’s large head is all I can see, his hard, huge body all I can feel. I realize with a sickening jolt that no one’s going to stop him. I even hear male voices cheering. What he wants to do to me is clear, and it’s about to happen in front of a crowd of strangers.

Nausea grips me. I can’t breathe, can’t think. Tori’s voice pierces through my haze again, louder and shriller this time, and then another voice, deep and angry. Suddenly, my arm is wrenched painfully, my mouth pulled from Wrecker’s. I stumble away, gasping for air, spots in front of my eyes. Tori calls my name, up close now. Arms that can only be hers pull me upright. Around us, the cheers turn to shouts of alarm, then anger.

The scene unfolding before me when my eyes finally begin to focus is surreal. Rogue is there, pinning Wrecker back against the picnic table. The rage on his face is unmistakable as he begins to pound his fist repeatedly into the other biker’s face.

Wrecker roars and throws an uppercut that connects with Rogue’s kidney, but it’s like Rogue doesn’t even feel it. Wrecker manages to roll the two of them off the table. They land with a thud against the bench, and then the ground. Wrecker lands on top. I scream and bolt forward, but someone grabs me and pulls me back hard. Thinking it’s Tori, I turn to argue with her, but instead a woman I’ve never seen before punches me full in the face.

“You fucking cunt!” she screams.

Something snaps inside me. I let out a yell and launch myself at her. Seconds later, we’re on the ground, too. She’s pulling my hair and trying to get in another punch as I straddle her. Something animal inside me has taken control and I’m screaming my throat raw as I try to get my hands around her throat.

“Jesus fuck! Rory!”

For the second time today, strong arms pull me upright. The woman who attacked me scrambles up and tries to come at me again, but a Wretched Soul holds her back.

“Jesus Christ!” I yell. “Is everyone here insane?!”

The man who pulled me away yells is one of the Lords, the one named Mal. “You okay?”

“Except for being punched in the damn face, you mean?” The initial shock of pain is starting to give way to a dull throb.

“Yeah, that’s gonna give you a shiner,” he tells me. “She got you good.”

“Is Rogue…?”

“He’s okay. Can’t say as much for the Wretched Souls VP, though.” He nods toward the picnic table, where Wrecker is slumped, unconscious.

Just then, Rogue comes storming up. “Come on,” he snarls, reaching for my arm.

“You’re mad atme? Fuck you!” I spit, pulling away.

“Rory, stop.Rory.” Rogue grabs me by both shoulders and pierces me with his eyes, his face inches from mine. “Believe me when I say, we need to get you out of here. Now.”

I glance at Mal, and then at Tori, who has come up beside him. They both nod. “He’s right, Rory,” Mal says. “It’s not safe for you here right now.”

Mal’s words shock me into complying.

“But where… where are you taking me?” I stammer as Rogue leads me off.

“My place,” he rasps. “But it’s only safe if no one sees us leave. Come on.”



Ihurry Rory toward my place by the back way.

Once we’re out of sight of the Wretched Souls, I turn to her angrily. “What the fuck were you doing back there?”

“Me? Nothing!” she says as she stumbles after me. “I didn’t mean for any of that to happen!”

“Whatdidyou mean to happen?”

“Nothing!” Her voice goes up an octave. “I just was with Tori, getting some beer from the keg, and Wrecker jumps in to pour it for us, and next thing I know, he’s…”

Rory doesn’t finish her sentence, but she doesn’t have to. I saw exactly what that motherfucker was going to do. A white-hot jealous rage floods me. The same rage that took control when I first saw her in Wrecker’s arms. It’s a good fucking thing there were other people around, or I might have shot the son of a bitch right then and there.

As it is, shit’s gonna go down as a result of what just happened. And it ain’t gonna be pretty.