Page 40 of Iron Fist

I glance back to see that Sassy and Rogue have separated, and Sassy has moved over to another group of bikers. Still, it was pretty apparent to me by Rogue and Sassy’s body language that they’ve slept together. The realization makes the back of my throat ache.

‘Don’t worry,” Tori murmurs in my ear. “Remember, you’re his wife. I saw the way he was looking at you when he thought you weren’t noticing. We can all tell he’s still into you.”

“Fat lot of good that does me,” I say hoarsely. “He also hates me.”

“I doubt that. But maybe he just needs to be reminded that he still wants you.” Tori gets a twinkle in her eye. “Come on, let’s have you meet some people.”

Before I can ask her how she’d propose to do that, she’s leading me away from the other old ladies, toward a large crowd of bikers and women drinking and dancing to the music over the huge, booming speakers.

Bypeople, it soon becomes clear she meansmen. She starts to introduce me around to a bunch of the Lords, many of whom seem to already know who I am. Two of them in particular, Mal and Matthias, look me up and down and make no secret that they like what they see. But they don’t touch me, instead keeping a respectful distance, like I’m some sort of fragile china doll or something. It’s not that I want them to touch me, but it feels weird to be treated like this by men who are clearly used to taking what they want.

“They’re just being loyal to their club brother,” Tori tells me when they’ve moved away. “They know you and Rogue are married.”

“So I’m an untouchable,” I say, with a trace of bitterness.

“Not to everyone,” she smirks. “Not to the Wretched Souls.”

We thread our way through the group and over to one of the kegs, where a bunch of men with Wretched Souls patches on their leather vests are standing around a picnic table. Tori grabs each of us a plastic cup and reaches for the tap head. But before she can grab it, a large hand covers hers.

“Wait just a second, there, darlin’,” a deep voice says. “We can’t have someone as pretty as you doin’ that for yourself.”

I suppress an eye-roll as Tori turns to the bearded biker and gives him a dazzling smile. “Thank you so much!” She hands him her cup with a little cock of her head. “I’m Tori, Dante’s old lady. And this here is Rory.”

The bearded biker turns to look at me. Like Mal and Matthias, his expression instantly tells me he likes what he sees.

“Ain’t you a pretty thing,” he grins as he fills Tori’s cup.

“Thank you,” I say, smiling back.

Tori shoots me a look of satisfaction. I don’t let myself look to see if Rogue is watching.

“Name’s Wrecker,” the man continues, handing Tori her glass and taking mine. His eyes have slipped from my face to my chest. “I’m the VP for the Wretched Souls.”

I check out the patch on his chest that readsVice-President. “It says that on your vest.”

“Vest?” Wrecker lets out a rumbling laugh. “Oh, honey, you ain’t been around clubs much, have ya? It’s called a cut.”

“You’re right, I am kind of new around here,” I admit, then add coyly, “I guess I have a lot to learn.”

I’m not attracted to Wrecker. He’s got a certain attractiveness, but he’s not really my type Still, I do my best to act flirty, hoping against hope that it might bug Rogue enough to make him jealous if he sees me talking to a guy from a rival club.

But it turns out, I didn’t really think this through.

Because bikers? They aren’t like other guys. They take what they want. Which is what Wrecker does next.

Grabbing me around the waist so fast I barely have time to react, he pulls me hard against him. “Oh, babe, you best believe I can teach you,” he says, his breath hot against my neck.

“I—I bet you can,” I sputter, trying to pull away.

But Wrecker’s arm clamps even more forcefully around me the more I struggle.

A shot of adrenaline washes through me, but I’m not too afraid quite yet. After all, there are lots of people around. It’s not like he’d do anything too rough in public.

“You’re hurting me a little bit,” I warn, hoping that will be enough to get him to let go.

“You ain’t gonna play hard to get, are ya?” he rumbles. Leaning against the picnic table, he pulls me onto his lap. I can feel his hard shaft pulsing through his jeans. He tosses his cup away, and slides his other hand onto my thigh, roughly pushing his fingers up underneath my shorts.

“No!” I gasp. I start to struggle harder, but that just seems to turn him on. The tips of his fingers are inches from my pussy. The fabric of my shorts strains, and I realize he’s about to rip them to get to what he wants.