Page 42 of Iron Fist

But I’m not gonna think about that now. Right now, I’m gonna get Rory to safety. And try to ignore the fact that as strong as my urge to kill Wrecker is right now, I have an even stronger urge to take Rory over my knee and spank her for being such a goddamn idiot.

Especially because the urge to spank her is making me hard as hell.

I slam through my front door with Rory in tow, waking the dog, who’s sleeping on the living room rug. He leaps to his feet and starts dancing around wagging his tail. I swear I’ve never seen any animal happier to see a human than he is to see her. Rory still looks stricken and dazed by everything that’s just happened, but she sits down on the couch and absently starts petting him. The dog immediately jams himself between her legs to get close to her and starts licking her face.

“Dogzilla,” Rory giggles. She bends down and hugs him around the neck. Her face crumples, tears beginning to leak down her cheeks.

Shit.In the middle of all the craziness and my anger, I kind of forgot that Rory just got fucking assaulted and almost raped.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

I cross the room and sit down on the couch beside her. “Go lie down,” I order the dog Surprisingly, he complies. Dogzilla goes back to his spot on the rug and curls up, keeping a protective eye on Rory.

“You’re gonna have a couple black eyes, I think,” I say. I reach up and brush a lock of hair out of her face so I can see it better. “You’re already starting to bruise.”

She lets out a shaky breath. “Who was that woman, anyway?” she asks.

“The one who punched you?” Rory winces as I press my thumb against her cheek “My guess is she’s with Wrecker. Or was, anyway.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Yeah. Hell hath no fury, and all that.”

“But I didn’t do anything! He attacked me!”

“Yeah, I don’t think she cares about that. All she saw was her man getting busy with someone else.”

“What’s going to happen now?” Rory asks in a small voice. “You said we weren’t safe there.”

“Not gonna lie to you, Princess, it’s not gonna be good. The Wretched Souls are a rival club. We had them here to make nice with them, try to establish good relations. Not sure that’s gonna happen now.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispers, suddenly contrite.

“Ain’t your fault,” I say. I’m surprised to realize I mean it. “Besides, what’s done is done. The Lords will deal with it.”


“Don’t you worry about that.”

“How areyou, though?” she asks in a worried tone. “You got beaten up a lot more than I did.”

“The hell I did,” I joke. “That fucker barely landed a punch.”

That’s not strictly speaking true. But I did leave him a lot worse off than he left me.

She reaches up toward my face. “You’ve got blood on your forehead. And your cheek is split open.”

The second she touches me, my cock stiffens again. I tense every muscle in my body against the sudden need to pin her to a wall and kiss her until she forgets her own name.

“Thank you,” she says softly. “For saving me.”

“Princess,” I croak, “there’s no way in hell I could have done anything else.”

And then it happens. The thing we’ve both been dancing around ever since she got back into town.

My mouth is on hers almost before I realize I’m doing it. My tongue searches for hers, devouring. Her arms are instantly around my neck, and then she’s in my lap, my hands on her ass, pulling her to me.
