Page 23 of Desiring You

Ransom took my hand. “Hey, you ready?”

I looked up at him and nodded with wide eyes. “Do you have those ice ball molds at home too?”

He shrugged. “Could probably find one or two.”

“Then we’re making ice balls, too, baby!” I pulled my hand away to give Molly a high five.

“We’ll pick you up, Molly,” Ransom said as he grabbed my coat from the hook in the foyer. “Early, so be ready.”

Molly gasped. “Wait! Phoebe, do you have skates?”

I felt my face squish up. “No! Why the fuck would I have skates! I’m not a hockey player!” Everyone busted out laughing. “I’m not like you people. I like land, not sea.”

Molly was in hysterics, bent over and leaning heavily on her cane. “It’s frozen water.”

“Well, it was sea until it was frozen, and knowing my luck I’ll be so hot the ice will melt and then we’ll be in the middle of a whole rink full of water and the skates would be useless, but it’ll be okay then because at least I can swim.”

With Molly in such a fit, she held onto Phoebe’s arm for support. “Girl, you kill me!”

Phoebe tossed her hair behind her back. “All in a day’s work, my friend. Now, go make your ice balls and I’ll go make mine and I’ll see you, when, at seven?”

Molly started a new round of giggles. “You’re killing me! If we want the rink to ourselves, has to be what, Ransom, five?”

He tipped his chin to her. “Four-thirty.”

My jaw dropped. “What the hell’s the point of going to bed then?”

Molly cracked up again. “We’ve gotta hang out. Ransom, you’re gone after tomorrow night’s game for what, three days?”

He grunted in agreement.

Molly clutched her middle still fighting the giggles. “How do the two of you communicate?” She looked back and forth between us, raising her eyebrow a little. “Or is talking not really necessary?”

Now it was my turn to crack up. “God, no. We aren’t like that. Now, let’s get ready to pelt my friend here to make him move faster. Holy hell, that sounds fun. See you in the morning!”

We waved to those remaining and headed out into the crisp night air.

As Ransom started the heat, I just couldn’t wrap my head around what we were doing tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn. “So, you want us to throw ice at you? Because it will help?”

He grunted grumpily.

I tilted my head. “Aren’t there some rules or something? We surely don’t just pelt you with ice balls.”

He grunted again, so I let it drop.

Silence stretched making me fidget. Eventually, I had to speak again or I was going to jump out of my skin. “Did something happen back there?”

He shrugged.

I bit my lower lip. “Okay. So, something happened. Do we have to play twenty questions to figure out what?”

He grunted.

I sighed. “Molls was right. Our system of communication is a little stunted. Usually, I can read you.”

He growled. “Can you read me, Raven?”

Whoa. He was upset. “Well, something’s wrong. Any clues?”