Page 22 of Desiring You

Then Molly emerged and flew down the hallway, the only indication she touched the floor the thump of her cane, and ducked under arms to be part of the hug.

I stood to get another beer, disposing of the empty bottle. By the time I turned around, Joy and Phoebe were deep in conversation about beauty products.

I took a swig of beer once in a while, just to not look like the creepy guy staring at the girls, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Phoebe. She was radiant when she was in her element like this. My heart ached at what I felt and couldn’t have.

* * *

As the night went on, Phoebe chatted easily with the others. Then Molly’s words caught my attention. “I see things no one else does. And things people don’t want to see in themselves. Insecurities, doubts, true feelings.” She looked pointedly between Phoebe and me.

I watched a blush redden Phoebe’s cheeks, but she didn’t crumple under the examination. Instead, they talked about when they could see each other again. Molly wiggled in her chair. “Come to practice with me. I’ll show you what I do for them and when they’re on breaks we can talk about anything. Any old thing,” she said, picking up her glass and taking a long drink, still staring at me. I shot her an intense glare and she laughed so hard water came out of her nose.

When Joy and Chris were leaving, I let my eyes drift back to Phoebe to see how she was handling being under scrutiny. Her shoulders were tight, so a little anxious, but the smile on her face was radiant.

Then I heard Joy say, “Especially while Phoebe is in town.”

Phoebe’s cheeks turned bright red as she squirmed at the attention.

Chris turned his attention to Phoebe then too. “How long will you be in town?”

Phoebe’s cheeks stayed crimson, but she sat a little taller and responded. “December first I fly back to New York, but Ransom’s trying to get me to stay at Christmas for a month or two.”

Kiley leaned forward, trying to talk Phoebe into staying with her. That was not fucking happening. I threw my arm over the back of Phoebe’s chair possessively. “She’d stay with me Kiley.”

Phoebe chuckled. “We’ve been friends since middle school. And he’s mid-season. We probably won’t even see each other much. I’ll be writing full-time and researching too.”

I couldn’t help but feel put off by her response. I pulled my arm away and distanced myself. My pulse throbbed in my ears. It sounded like she didn’t even want to spend time with me when she was here.



As Kendalia brought out the dessert, Ransom stood. “I think we’d better head out. I’m planning on some early drills tomorrow before practice.”

Calder tipped his chin to him. “Want a drill partner?”

“Nah, just need some time to myself.” He clapped Calder’s shoulder as he passed his chair. “Gotta work on my speed and coordination.”

Molly piped up. “Hell, yeah, you do. I’m gonna start throwing things at you if you don’t get moving.”

He took a step toward her quirking his eyebrow. “What’re you gonna throw at me?”

She stood, took her cane, and limped over to him tilting her neck to meet his eyes. “I’m gonna make those giant ice balls people use for their drinks and I’m gonna throw it at you until you move those goddamned feet.”

“You know,” he chuckled, “that just might work.”

Laughter bubbled up inside of me. “You mean we get to throw ice balls at him?”

Ransom shrugged. “I gotta get faster. And those fuckers hurt.”

I pushed from my chair and went over to him. “Wait, you want it to hurt?”

Molly nodded. “It’ll teach him to move his ass faster. Whatever it takes.” She paused and lit up. “Why don’t we help you practice?”

I looked over at Ilya and Kiley. Ilya gave a chin tip.

Kiley snickered as she handed me a bag of dessert. “Well, I guess if you want to, sure. But you’ve got a lot of work to do, young lady. Get those ice balls ready.” She latched onto Ilya’s waist. “You can probably supplement from the snow and ice in the back yard too.” Ilya pulled her closer.

They looked so happy and in love, it almost hurt to look at them. They had what I wanted so desperately.