Oh. I suppress a retch, now queasy for other reasons. “You want Chase in your bed and privacy. Holly. He’s a horrible person.”
“I like him. A lot.”
“And I don’t believe you’ve good judgement around attractive males.”
“You agree he’s hot?” She giggles.
“And that judgement appears further impaired by alcohol consumption, Holly.” I slant my head. “Why not stay at the hotel?”
“Because Mrs. Lorcan’s paranoid and wants a head count when we board the bus back to the academy. You were there when she warned us not to go anywhere.” Holly purses her lip. “Like we’re a bunch of middle-schoolers.”
“To be fair, the student body often behave like they are.”
I’m reminded of the day we met when I considered whether Holly was a golden retriever shifter as those are certainly what I’ve heard Rowan call ‘puppy dog’ eyes. He often uses the phrase when referring to Leif, which earns him a smack around the head from his friend.
“Will you?” she asks
“And where do I go?”
“Rowan has his own room.” The expectant look grows. “And Grayson, but I sense there’s something weird going on there.”
Only a select few know about my frenzied blood-drinking, and Holly isn’t one of them. If she knew, I’d definitely lose her as a roommate—the girl would interpret the incident as evidence I tear my friends’ throats should I be inclined.
“’Mmm’ something weird or ‘mmm’ yes you will?” she asks. “Are you worried about getting into trouble? People do this all the time.”
I sigh. “How can I answer you?”
“What do you mean? Yes or no is the answer.” She drags a hand through her curls. “Violet. You’re really hard work sometimes. We’d ask Chase’s roommate but uh... we’ve asked him too many times.”
“Holly. Were you actually at Marci’s or not the nights you stayed away?”
“Are you shocked, Violet? That was your presumption.”
I cross my arms. “I can’t give you an answer until I’ve asked Rowan, can I?”
Holly gawks at me as if I slapped her, then she snorts, that snort becoming laughter as she holds a hand over her mouth.
I clench my teeth. “You say I’m hard work? Well, your often unexplained and unfathomable amusement is hard work for me. Or is this the alcohol?”
Holly shakes her head and pulls her hand away, but the hilarity hasn’t left. “Did you seriously just say that?”
“Unexplained and unfathomable amusement?”
“No, Violet. That you’d need to ask Rowan first.”
I frown. “Well, it would be inconsiderate of me to use his bed without asking.”
“I’m sure you’ve used his bed before.”
“I’ve never had the need. I always sleep in my own.”
Holly rubs her clammy cheek. “I swear you’re deliberately teasing me.”
Am I? Partially. But I don’t know if Rowan would be happy for me to stay with him. He’s never asked before and by all accounts Chase asked Holly many times. Rowan slept in my bed by default rather than planning due to his inability to stay awake in the early hours, but I never joined him.