Grabbing a fork, he reached for a sausage and started eating.
It took him a while to notice the weird stare Zain was giving him.
“What?” Aiden said, after he finished chewing.
“Are you really going to sit there and eat with your ass full of my come?”
Aiden’s dick twitched again. He shrugged.“Why not? I’m hungry, and it’s not like anyone will feed me if I miss breakfast.”
Zain’s expression did something complicated: it almost seemed like he was about to smile but stopped.
Aiden blinked and looked back at his food. He didn’t think he could handle it if Zain suddenly started smiling at him. This ridiculous infatuation was bad enough as it was.
He ate in silence for a while, but eventually he couldn’t resist glancing back at Zain.
But Zain wasn’t looking at him anymore.
Aiden wanted his attention back. He tried to fight the feeling, but it was useless: instead of satisfying him, the sex seemed to have made himmoredesperate for Zain’s attention, not less. God, this was awful.
“I’m full,” Aiden said, pushing his plate away. When that didn’t make Zain look at him, he took a grape and threw it at his face.
“You’re a child,” Zain said without looking at him.
“Not sure what that says about you, then,” Aiden said with a smile, hooking their ankles under the table.
That finally made Zain look at him. There wasn’t a trace of a smile on his face anymore.“Stop this nonsense,” he said.
“What nonsense?” Aiden said, propping his chin on his hand and giving him an innocent look.
“This.” Zain glowered at him, unhooking their ankles.“The touching, the flirting, the—the smiles. It’s irritating. And unwelcome.”
Before Aiden could say anything, the door opened and Gadiel walked in.
Aiden tensed up.
“Hey,” Gadiel said, looking a little uncertain when he met Aiden’s gaze before smiling at him.
Zain said something in Arabic, his tone cold and displeased, even though his face betrayed none of his displeasure. He was irritated. He didn’t like being surprised—at least he didn’t likethissurprise.
Aiden wondered if he should be worried that he was so attuned to him.
Gadiel shrugged, brushing a hand through his hair.“I figured since the restaurant didn’t end up being a good idea, I’d come here to get to know Aiden better.” He smiled at Aiden again.
Pursing his lips, Aiden looked at Zain.
Their gazes met and held.
And Aiden made the decision right there. This attraction might have been stupid, inconvenient and infuriating, but maybe, just maybe, he could use it. Maybe.
Aiden let his expression become soft and pleading as he gazed at Zain with his best puppy-dog eyes.
Please, he mouthed at him.
Zain just stared at him, his face unreadable.
“Eh, Zain?” Gadiel said.“I think it’d be better if I get to know Aiden without you around. I think you make him nervous. Come on, Aiden.”
Tearing his gaze from Aiden, Zain looked at his brother.“What do you want with him?”