Gadiel shot him a strange look.“What do you mean? Didn’t you buy him for me? I mean, I still feel weird about it, but what’s done is done, and he’s, like, mine now, right?”

Zain said nothing for a moment.

His heart beating somewhere in his throat, Aiden held his breath.

When Zain looked at him, Aiden gave him another pleading look.

Zain’s lips thinned. He said, looking away from Aiden,“Fine. Go for a walk outside.”

Aiden’s stomach plummeted.

Gadiel frowned. “But—but I thought we’d—”

“Outside,” Zain repeated, his voice steely.

Aiden exhaled. He didn’t want to be alone with Gadiel, but at least being outside the house where people could see them should make Gadiel behave. Hopefully.

He still felt disappointed. He knew it was ridiculous. What did he expect—that Zain would suddenly have a change of heart just because he’d fucked him a couple of times? Right. And maybe pigs would fly.

“Fine,” Aiden said, forcing a smile.“Let’s go.”

He and Gadiel left the house through the back door. Zain could probably watch them through the security cameras—if he cared enough to watch.

“So,” Gadiel said as they walked through the immaculate garden.“Look, I get that it’s not something you chose and you’re angry at being here, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re being coerced to—” He screwed his eyes shut and sighed.“Obviously you are, but we can’t change what Zain did—”

“We can. You could tell him that you refuse to use me and he should let me go home.”

Gadiel made a face.“I wish I could do that, but… I can’t.”

“Why the hell not?” Aiden snapped. He didn’t have much patience for this kid’s woe-is-me attitude.

“I can’t go without sex for a year! It’s been more than a month and I’m going crazy!”

Aiden rolled his eyes.“Use your hand. Plenty of people are still virgins at your age. Lack of a sex life doesn’t kill anyone.” When he was Gadiel’s age, he’d gotten laid twice a year, and it was fine.

“No, you don’t get it—Ican’tgo that long without sex!”

The desperation in Gadiel’s voice made Aiden give him a longer look.

“I know I have a problem,” Gadiel said, misery written all over his face. “I want sex all the time. Like, all the time. I’m not exaggerating. I know it’s risky and dangerous—I’m not stupid—but I can’t help myself. It’s the only thing that makes me feel—” He cut himself off, pressing his lips together. His shoulders hunched.

Aiden frowned. There was something wrong with this guy. “Have you talked to your brother about it?”

“Zain thinks I’m an irresponsible, stupid fuck-up,” Gadiel said with a humorless chuckle. “Zain would never understand what it’s like not to be able to control yourself. He has iron self-control. He never lets his dick do the thinking.”

Aiden nearly laughed. He wondered what Gadiel would say if he knew that his ass was full of Zain’s come right now.

But it did shed a new light on Zain’s attitude. On top of his internalized homophobia, it probably pissed him off that he had let his cock do the thinking.

“Let me get it straight,” Aiden said. “You think you can’t survive without sex for a year, and because of your overbearing asshole of a brother I’m your only option. You’re so desperate to get your dick wet that you don’t even care anymore how morally wrong it is.”

Gadiel averted his eyes.“It’s not that,” he said in a small voice.“I don’t trust myself. It’s like there’s something in me thatwantsto get caught, you know? Sometimes I almost want my father to find out. Maybe death would be better than continuing to live a lie.”


Aiden stared at him, his stomach sinking. Gadiel’s gorgeous eyes looked lifeless. Weary. Utterly defeated.

Oh, fuck it. Lending a hand wouldn’t kill him, right? The guy probably wouldn’t even need much to come.