“You’re sure it’s a crime scene?”

I look over at him. “There’s nothing in that room that seems overly suspicious.”

“And yet?”

“My gut is screaming at me that something is very, very wrong.”

“Fuck. How’d I know you were going to say that?”

Chapter Nine


After a while, the heat becomes so unbearable in the bedroom that I give in and risk taking a shower. I’m beyond caring if they walk in on me at this point. The water is freezing and feels like heaven on my skin, so I stay under the spray far longer than I planned, letting the water ease the tension inside me and soothe my headache.

Removing the gauze covering my shoulder, I let the water wash over the wound. I try to remember if I am even allowed to get it wet, but that conversation took place after I was given my pain meds, and everything is a little hazy.

With a sigh, I turn the water off and climb out, grabbing the small towel from the rail and using it to pat myself dry. I slip the T-shirt back on, even though I’d rather have something clean. Beggars can’t be choosers, and this beggar refuses to walk around naked with those two assholes out there acting as unpredictable as ever. I retrieve my panties from the window, happy to find them dry. I slip them on, then use the towel to dry my hair. Once most of the moisture is gone, I finger-comb it as best as I can before braiding it to keep it out of my face.

Pulling the door open, I walk back into the bedroom and stop when I see Hawk and Creed in the room pulling off their clothes. I’m tempted to go lock myself back in the bathroom, but with the door as flimsy as it is, I have no doubt they’d knock it down in seconds if they wanted to.

“You finished?” Hawk asks, stepping closer.

I move aside and nod before heading toward the door, but an arm around my waist stops me from going any farther. I grit my teeth but resist the urge to fight, at least until I know what he wants.

“Figure it’s time for us to settle in for the night.” His voice is low and rumbles over my skin, making my traitorous nipples pebble. I cross my arms over my chest and ignore them.

“Can I get my meds and something to eat?”

He sighs and dips his head, breathing me in before he steps away.

“I’ll go with her. Take your shower,” Creed tells him.

He must nod because, a moment later, the bathroom door closes, leaving me and Creed alone.

“Come on, I made plenty of food earlier. I’ll heat some up for you.” He holds his hand out to me, but I keep my arms folded. He scowls but doesn’t force the issue. Instead, he stomps out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, yanking open the fridge and grabbing a container of leftovers. Moving around the kitchen, he takes a bowl from one of the cupboards and transfers some of the pasta into it before shoving it in the microwave.

I walk over to the counter and wait for the microwave to beep. Creed grabs the bowl and places it in front of me before pulling a fork from the drawer and holding it out for me.

“Thanks,” I mumble quietly, cursing myself and my ingrained manners.

“You want to sit?” He points to the table, but I just scoop up a piece of pasta and shove it into my mouth.

“I’m fine here.” This way, he can’t sit beside me. I don’t even care if I’m being childish. I don’t want to be here with these men who seem to hate me one minute, but the next, their hands are on me like they have a right to touch me. They gave up that right a long time ago.

“It doesn’t have to be this hard, Avery,” he says, placing my pills and a glass of water down beside my food.

“Doesn’t it? Let me guess: all I have to do is everything you say, and everything will be fine. Sounds familiar.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Let me just eat, and we can go back to ignoring each other.”

“That’s what you want? To just pretend we don’t exist?”

“It’s been working for me so far,” I snap back, stabbing another piece of pasta before chewing it angrily. I eat quickly, though it tastes like sawdust. But I know I need to keep my strength up so that I can heal faster.

Placing the half-eaten bowl on the counter, I take my pills and a drink of water as I watch him move in closer.