“Yeah, Avery. It worked so well that here you are, right back where you started.” He pushes me against the counter. He licks his lips as his hand trails up my thigh, under my T-shirt, to my hip. “We’ve done this dance a million times, and it always starts with you in a T-shirt and panties and ends with you wearing nothing but my cum.”

I shove against his chest, but he doesn’t move so much as an inch.

His hands move to cover mine, his thumbs stroking over the backs of them as he stares into my eyes, looking for answers I’m not sure he deserves. “What happened to us, Avery? Where did it all go wrong?”

“It didn’t go wrong, Creed. It was never right to begin with. I fell in love with your lies. I could have lived out the rest of my days sipping on the deceit you fed me, but the truth was something I couldn’t live with. I traded your sweet lies for the bitter truth and decided I was worth more than what you were offering me.”

“We were never a lie,” he growls.


Tears prick my eyes, and my skin crawls. “That’s just not true,” I whisper before closing my eyes and dropping my head. He might not let me go, but that doesn’t mean I can’t shut him out.

Finally, he releases me and takes a step back. I feel his eyes on me, but I don’t look up. I simply turn and grab my food, walking it over to the sofa where I sit in the corner and tuck my legs up under me. I eat the rest of my food in silence, my stomach threatening to revolt at any minute. Somehow, I manage to choke it down.

By the time I’m done, Creed is trading places with Hawk. As the man in question walks toward me, I jump up with my empty bowl and take it to the kitchen. I wash it and place it on the drying rack before Hawk’s arms cage me in.

What is it with these two?

“What’s going on between you and Creed?”

I snort out a huff of laughter. “Not a damn thing is going on with him and me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m tired.”

“Good. I think we’ll all feel a little better after a good night’s sleep.”

Shit, I forgot about the bed-sharing thing. Seems like my brain can only handle one thing at a time.

“I’ll take the sofa.”


“What do you mean, no? I didn’t ask.”

“The answer is still no.”

“I’m a grown-ass woman—”

“Who’s acting like a spoiled brat. You want to fight me? Go for it, and I’ll put you over my knee.”

I feel my mouth drop open and my eyes widen so much that I’m worried my eyeballs might pop out of my head and roll away. “You kidnapped me!” I screech.

He shrugs. “Get over it.”

“Get over it? Get over it?! I have never wanted to strangle someone more than I do you right now.”

He grins at me like a fucking psychopath. “Sounds kinky.”

“Eat shit and die,” I hiss before stomping to the bedroom, hating the fact that I most likely resemble an angry toddler right now, feeding right into his words about me acting like a child. What he doesn’t seem to realize is that it’s either anger or tears, and I don’t think any of us are equipped to deal with the fallout of my broken heart right now.

With gritted teeth, I climb onto the bed and lie as close to the edge as I can get without falling off. I ignore Hawk as he moves around the room, tensing only when he climbs onto the bed behind me. Just then, the bathroom door opens, and Creed walks out wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, and I can’t help but stare at all his stupid muscles. Hawk takes advantage of my distracted state to reach across the bed and yank me toward him. Before I can escape his hold, Creed climbs on the bed, sandwiching me in between them.

My heart is thundering in my chest, making me wonder if I might have a heart attack. With the strain I’ve put the thing through lately, it wouldn’t surprise me.

“Relax, Avery. We’re just sleeping. We’re not the monsters you seem to think we are,” Hawk growls in my ear. His words might be more convincing if I couldn’t feel the hard length of his cock through his boxers pressed against my ass.

“I never said you were monsters. But excuse me if I’m wary when I’ve been kidnapped by two people who hate me.”

“We don’t hate you, Avery,” Creed murmurs, rolling into me.