Page 28 of Baby, Be Mine

Modesty flew out the window as latex covered hands checked me out.


“I’m here.” He crouched behind me on the gurney. “We got this far. I’m not going anywhere.”

Lana gave me a grim smile. “Well, you were right. That baby is crowning.”

“Oh, God.” I tried to get up on my elbows.

“Okay, just focus on me. We’re gonna do this together.”

“Can you take some of the contractions?” I asked on a weak laugh.

“Unfortunately, no.”

“And drugs are a no go, huh?”

“We’re well beyond drugs, not that I am allowed to give them to you anyway.”

“Dammit.” I wheezed out a laugh.

“Okay, this time when the contraction comes, I want you to push, okay? You’re going to use it to push the baby out.”

I tried not to think about the disaster zone the poor EMT had to deal with. I tried not to think about the Chief of Police being right there, or the fact that I was doing this two weeks early.

I tried not to think about anything other than getting bean out into the world safe and sound.

I bore down and Mason hooked his arms under mine to support me. I crunched forward and the pressure seemed like it was going to rip me into two.

“Okay, that’s good. We’re going to slow down.”

“No. No. It’s gotta come out.”

“I know, Emma. I just need to turn our little guy or girl. Do we know which it is?”

“No.” I wanted to push. It took everything in me to stop.

“Okay. It’s going to be a surprise for everyone.” Lana cupped my knee. “Here we go.”

I closed my eyes as my brother’s voice came from outside of the boat. The most righteous scream came followed by a howl of a baby’s cry.

“Girl!” Lana laughed. “It’s a girl.”

“Let me see her. Please.”

“Just one second.”

It felt like an eternity. My little girl. My little bean was screaming for me.


My brother’s voice came from the back of the boat. But nothing was as important as the baby. My baby.

I held out my arms as Lana wrapped my tiny little girl into a white towel and set her on my chest. “Great job, Mama.”

“Hi.” I sniffled. “Hi, little bean.” My hands shook as I cupped her head.

“Wow.” Mason’s voice was reverent and soft behind me. He pushed my hair over my shoulder. “Wow.”