The hot EMT grinned at me. “A sense of humor. Good. That’s what we need on a day like this. Hot one, right?” He waved over someone else. “Okay, Emma. We’re going to get you on the stretcher, okay?”
“No. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I’m pretty sure we’re beyond you putting me up on that even with all those muscles.”
“Okay. Is it okay if my partner comes over? She’s done plenty of births.”
“I’ve heard this town is a little crazy.”
Ben laughed. “You aren’t kidding. Okay, Lana is going to take over for me.”
I felt a little better about a woman seeing the carnage, but only a little. I was pretty sure no amount of pilates was going to save me after these contractions.
“Well, hey there.” A blond with a high ponytail appeared in front of me. “Any idea how close the contractions are?” She rolled my dress up to my knees.
I shook my head. “It feels like they’re here more than they’re not.”
“Okay.” She glanced at Mason. “How you doin’, Dad?”
Mason swallowed hard. “I’m not the father.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“The contractions are definitely coming at three minutes or less. I think it’s closer to two.”
“Oh.” Lana lost her smile as she glanced over her shoulder. “Okay, Ben, we’ll need that gurney.”
“I can’t go down those stairs.” I shook my head and held onto Mason.
“I’m just going to put you on the gurney so I can get you more comfortable. We can get it down closer to the floor, okay?”
Another wave of pain made Lana fade into a dark spot. I must have screamed, because Mason was hanging onto my hand as I resurfaced. His face was so serious and intent.
“Okay, that was a big one.” Lana was murmuring something to Ben and I couldn’t hear the words around the fuzz in my head. “Let’s hustle—as much as we can, mama. Okay?”
“Mama.” I swallowed down a lump. “I’m gonna be one of those really soon.”
“Well, you never know when it comes to babies. Sometimes they don’t like to come as fast as we think they are.”
I could hear the lie in her voice. Everything inside of me was shouting push and there was no amount of stalling I could do to stop it.
Mason stiffened next to me.
“Jesus.” I heard the deep voice behind the paramedic.
“What’s happening? Is that my brother?” Hope flooded me, but I also didn’t want Mason to go anywhere.
“No. That’s my brother actually. When I called 911, they must have sent out a cop as well.”
“Oh great. Both Brooks’ boys are going to see my situation.”
“Situation?” He laughed and held onto my hand as I screeched. “Oh, here we go again.”
I arched my back. “Okay, bean. It’s time to come out. I’m not waiting anymore.”
“Not sure it works that way,” Mason muttered.
Suddenly, Ben and Lana were on either side of me and I was lifted off the bench and set on the gurney. There was a flurry of activity as they put a pressure cuff on me. Next thing I knew, Lana was cutting off my bike shorts.