“You guys,” I gush, pointing to the banner. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Oh, we did,” Seb snorts. “When Vee says we’re doing something, there’s no arguing with her.”
“Got that right. You’re finally learning, brother,” she says, grinning as she elbows him in his side.
Kit passes his side of the banner to Rafe and strides towards me, enveloping me in a big hug. “Hey sis. So glad you’re finally allowed home.”
I close my eyes and enjoy being close to my brother. Wilbur has caused us to drift apart since moving here, and I hate it. “Thank you for being here.”
He pulls away from me and looks down at me. “I nearly lost you a second time, sis. Don’t ever put me through anything like that again.” I can see in his eyes how much this has affected him. He’s already lost his parents. “I know I’ve been a bit of an idiot, but you will always be my priority. I’m sorry I didn’t put you first before. For my own selfish reasons, I didn't fight in your corner.
I gently pat his cheek. “You don’t need to apologise. I know how long you’ve longed for family, for that connection. It’s okay to want that.”
Kit shakes his head, a deep frown still marring his face. “No, it’s not okay. We’ve always looked out for each other, and I let you down.”
Smiling at him, I pat his cheek. “Kit, stop apologising. You’re here now and that’s what matters. I love you little brother and I always will.”
Kit loses the frown and relaxes a little. “I’ve brought your favourite cookies. I got Edith to make some up,” he tells me, pulling a sandwich bag full of Edith’s homemade cookies out of his bag and dangling them before me.
“See all is forgiven. You brought me cookies,” I joke, and he wraps his arm around me grinning as we head into the house. We all pile inside and head to the den. Archer and Kit both fuss over me, ensuring that I am comfy. Seb starts up the X-box and the boys turn their interest to the game while Vee and I catch up on any school gossip.
There’s a rap on the den door and Edward sticks his head in. “Hello, I just wanted to pop in and say welcome home.”
I beckon him in, smiling. I like Edward. I have a bit of a soft spot for him. “Hi, come in.”
Edward comes into the room and sits on the end of the sofa and checks me over. “We were all so worried about you.” He looks downcast, looking down at his hands. “Eliza, I can’t apologise enough for what my son-in-law did to you. I had no idea he could be so cold and calculating. I’m still coming to terms with it to be honest.”
I nod my head and reach out my hand to pat his. “No one suspected him or Felicity. I think we’re all shocked.”
“If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, just say the word,” Edward vows. I can see that he is really upset by everything and that he’s blaming himself for what’s happened.
“Well, you can stop feeling guilty for a start. It’s no one else’s fault but Phil’s and Felicity’s,” I pause and lean up in my seat. “However, if you really mean it about helping me, then there is something you can do.”
“Name it,” he states, without hesitation.
“You can help me take down Wilbur and the rest of the Elders. I want Archer and I to be free to live our lives the way we want to.”
Edward doesn’t respond at first and I can’t work out what he’s thinking. Kit is busy playing Fifa against Rafe so he doesn’t hear us, but the others do and they all stare waiting to see how Edward will react.
Edward sighs and nods his head. “Maybe it is time to change things. God knows my family has suffered enough.” He looks me straight in the eye with a look of determination. “We’ll talk more this week, but for now relax and recuperate.”
When Edward leaves the room. Everyone releases the breath they have been holding. Archer looks the most shocked out of us all.
“I can’t believe you just came out and asked him,” he comments, looking at me in bewilderment.
I shrug my shoulders at him. “If you don’t ask you don’t get.” I am more determined than ever that we’ll escape the power the Elders hold over us and the inhabitants of this bay. I don’t care how long it takes this was now my main focus in life.
We arrive at the country club where Archer has booked us some of the best seats available. I’m excited to cheer Rafe and Seb on and hopefully see them win this thing. Vee is wearing a t-shirt with Rafe’s face on it that says ‘game, set, match’ and she’s eyeing up the competition.
“Who are those two?” I ask her, pointing to two guys who are stretching out by the side of the courts. They look like they are super focused and like they will bring their A-game.
Vee sneers at the two guys. “Harvey Tate and Fred Botham. They go to Alderwood prep school. They’re so far up their own arses it’s untrue. The rivalry between them and our boys is fierce. As much as I hate to admit it, they are good.”
“Have Rafe and Seb beat them before?” asks Damon who is sitting beside me in his wheelchair. He has been out of the hospital two weeks now after spending six weeks in there recovering. I have been round at his house every day, sitting beside him on his bed and watching movies and just keeping him company.
Vee scoffs. “Of course they have. I said they were good, but that doesn’t mean they’re better than our boys.” One of the two guys catches Vee watching and with a smirk on his face, he waves at her. Vee snickers and looking round to make sure her parents aren’t watching, then she gives him the finger.