Page 83 of Fallen Legacy

I’m at my locker putting some books away at the end of the school day on Thursday when someone clears their throat behind me. I arch a brow in surprise when I find Georgie hovering.


“I heard about the snake. Do they know who did it?” she mumbles, scuffing her shoes and looking very uncertain and uncomfortable.

“No. The police are investigating, but they haven’t come up with any leads.” I close my locker, and clutching my iPad to my chest, I face her. “Are you okay?”

Georgie nods her head and clears her throat; this conversation is all kinds of awkward. “Anyway, I just wanted to say, I’m sorry you went through that,” she blurts out before hurrying off down the corridor.

“What did she want?” Vee asks as she comes up beside me, glaring down the corridor at Georgie’s retreating figure.

I shake my head, also watching her leave. “I’m not really sure.”

“Odd,” says Vee with her shrug of her shoulders. “Anyway, on to important matters. The weekend. The pre-party Friday. Will you pick me up on your way back from Damon’s sisters? I’m not heading over at the same time as Seb. I need some pamper time to make myself look extra delicious.”

I laugh. “Vee, you’re beautiful without even trying, but yes I’ll pick you up.” up.”

“I could get used to having my own personal chauffeur”, she grins. “Come on, let’s go eat and find the boys.”


Damon and I leave school and head straight for his sister’s house. I’m excited to see Emma again, and the twins. Emma has kept in touch with me via text. When I’d messaged her to say I had decided to keep the baby she said she’d go through the twin’s old baby things and keep them to one side for me. I think the baby is a girl. I don’t know why, it’s just a gut feeling I have but Emma said the twins wore a lot of neutrals as newborns, so she’d still have some clothes for me.

“So, you’re telling him tomorrow?” Damon asks me as he changes over the radio station in the car.

“Not tomorrow, Sunday. Ooh I love this song, leave it on,” I tell him as Swift’s new song starts to play. “How are you feeling about Milly enrolling at the academy?”

Damon arches a brow at me and sniggers. “I know what you are doing. Changing the subject, but I’ll allow it for now.”

I give him my best‘what?’ look. “So, Milly?”

Damon sighs and bobs his shoulders. “Honestly, I’d rather she stayed at the state school, but in other ways I get what she means about the academy opening doors for her. But you and I both know how unwelcome outsiders are made to feel.”

“But she’ll have us there. No one will dare give her hassle.”

Damon bobs his head in agreement. “True, but we’ll only be there for another six months. After that she’ll be on her own.”

He had a point, but even after we move on, the school would still have Clubs and senior Aces and I’d be able to make sure they looked out for her. We pull up outside Damon’s sisters house and don’t get the opportunity to discuss Milly any further as Noah and Ollie come bounding out of the house to greet us. Emma appears at the door and waves to us as the boys come running up to us cheering in excitement that we are here.

“Noah, let go of Eliza’s leg.” Emma chuckles as Noah wraps his arms around my lower leg and clings to me. Damon already has Ollie in one arm, so he saves me, swooping Noah up with his other arm.

“What have you two monsters been up to, huh?”

“We made a den in the playroom,” Ollie tells us as we walk to the house. “It’s a pirate den.”

“Wow,” Damon exclaims. “Can I come in your den?”

“You can be our prisoners,” Noah suggests excitedly.

“Uh-oh, you hear that, Eliza? They want to lock us up in their den. We have a birthday party to get to later Ollie, so will you promise to let us out.”

Ollie ponders the question. “Is their cake and games at the party?”

Damon and I share a look and fight back a laugh. “No, I don’t think there’s a cake.”

Noah crinkles his nose up. “That’s a rubbish party then.”

We reach the door and Emma steps back and holds it open for us. “They are full of energy today,” she says with a tired smile. “Damon, please tire them out for me for a bit and then they’ll sleep early tonight?” She holds her hands together in a begging motion.