Page 84 of Fallen Legacy

“Want to play hide and seek boys?” Damon suggests and both boys jump up and down and shout yes. “Come on then, let’s start in the playroom.” He looks back at us as the boys drag him through the house. “You owe me, sis.”

“I’m feeding you, aren’t I?” She grins, hand on her hip. We both laugh and Emma ushers me into the kitchen.

“Have a seat. Do you want coffee or tea?” she asks me as she heads over to the kettle.

“Tea, please. Coffee tastes odd.” I grimace; just the thought of coffee makes me shiver.

Emma laughs. “For me it was milk. I suddenly hated the taste, all through my pregnancy. Have you had any cravings?”

I nod my head. “Oh yeah. Custard and diet coke. I even had custard for breakfast the other day.”

Emma makes our drinks and comes and sits with me at the island. I cup my hand around my cup and blow on the hot drink.

“How have you been?”

I sigh. Where do I start? “Considering everything that is going on right now, I’m good. I’ve moved in with Archer and we’re engaged,” I tell her, waggling my engagement ring at her.

Emma reaches out and takes a hold of my hand in hers so she can admire the ring. “Wow, that is beautiful. Is it a family heirloom?” she asks me as she stares at the sparkling ruby stone.

“No, I actually saw it at a jewellery store in London and Archer went back and bought it. My wedding band, though, will be Archer’s grandmother’s ring.”

Emma grins at me and puts her hand over her heart. “That’s quite sweet. I thought this Archer guy was a bad-ass brooding guy?”

“Oh, he is,” I say, nodding my head firmly and smiling. “He’s all those things but he can also be really thoughtful and caring at times.”

She is watching me with a knowing look on her face and I blush under her scrutiny. “What?”

“You love him,” Emma states.

“I like him. A lot,” I reply. Why am I still denying it? Emma nods her head but looks at me like she knows full well I’m not being entirely honest with her.

“Anyway,” she says standing and picking up a bag over on the dining table. “I picked out any neutrals for you. There are some plain baby grow’s, vests, socks, and scratch mittens.”

I take the bag from her and take a peek inside. I pull out a tiny pair of white scratch mittens and hold them in my palm. “It’s still not sunk in properly. Maybe it won’t until he or she is here.” I bite my lip. “I’m terrified, Emma. I really wish my mum was here.”

Emma reaches for my hand. “You’ll be fine. You have me and Day and your bad-boy fiancé. I’ll be there for advice and with a supply of coffee and chocolate when you’ve had a sleepless night.”

I surprise her when I reach out and pull her into a hug. “Thank you,” I whisper. “I don’t have many females around me who I can call on, so it means a lot to me that you’re being supportive.”

“You’re welcome, Eliza,” she assures me. “Now, I hope you’re hungry because I have made a lot of food. Day tells me Carbonara is one of your favourites. I hope he is right?”

I smile. “It is, but you really didn’t need to go out of your way to make something I like. I will eat anything you put in front of me.” I grimace. “Well, maybe not anything, but I’m a fairly easy feeder.”

* * *

Twenty minuteslater we all sit down to eat. Nick arrives home just in time for tea and the boys are full of beans wanting to tell him all about their day. I can’t stop smiling as I sit and observe their little family unit. Could I possibly have this one day? After losing my parents I never thought I’d find it again. Day catches my eye and tilts his head and winks at me, checking if I’m okay. I silently nod my head at him. After the Carbonara, Emma serves up fudge cake with custard. She laughs at me when my eyes light up at the sight of the jug of custard. She makes sure to fill my bowl first before everybody else gets some.

After we have eaten, we all move into the front room and the boys get to choose a movie before bed. They argue at first as Noah wants Toy Story and Ollie wants Minions but they both eventually agree on Toy Story. Both boys want to sit with me and Damon, so we take the larger sofa and they both sit in-between us. Ollie starts yawning and he leans his little head against my arm. When it’s time for bed they both protest but then when Day offers to read them their bedtime story they cheer and get very excited.

While they’re having their bedtime story, I call Tony and tell him we’ll be leaving in fifteen minutes. He tells us he’ll set off and meet us at the bottom of the drive. Whilst Damon reads the boys bedtime story Emma gets her baby albums out and shows me photos of the boys when they were born and of her throughout her pregnancy. She tells me how she was sure she would be a terrible mum but how it all just came naturally, and she assures me that I’ll be the same. When we leave, I feel lighter. Emma has given me the confidence boost that I needed. I can do this. I can be a mum at eighteen.

“Are you okay?” Damon asks me, as we buckle in and I start the engine. I wave at Tony who has pulled up on the lane ready to follow behind us.

I nod my head firmly and half smile. “Yes, I am. I think it’ll be okay.”

“It will,” he agrees. “Now, are you sure about me coming to this party?”

I roll my eyes at him. How many times did we need to have this conversation? I had invited him, and the boys had agreed to him coming.