“Rebecca, that fish was the best ever,” Vee tells her, making Rebecca beam with happiness.
“Glad you enjoyed it, and please come back anytime,” she tells Vee, before turning her attention to me. She places her hands on my shoulders. “You take care. I’m here if you need me, anytime. If it all gets too much in Lala land, there’s room for you here.”
My heart squeezes in my chest at her care and concern, and it reminds me of how much I miss my mum and her mothering. “I know where to come,” I say thankfully, smiling.
“I’ll text you later once the police have been.”
We head outside on to the marina and make our way back to the car. Now we’ve left Rebecca’s, I ruminate over my stalker’s new tactic of intimidating my family. “I hate that this creep’s hatred for me is affecting others.”
Vee places her arm around my shoulder. “I know. It’s awful. It’s like they’re upping the ante. I worry for you and that little baba in your belly, girl.”
I shiver, looking behind us. “How did they know about Rebecca? It makes me think that whoever it is, they’re following me around, or having someone else do it for them.”’
Vee also looks behind her and huddles closer to me. “It makes me shudder just thinking about it. Maybe we should stick to outings with the boys from now on.”
“No,” I reply firmly, straightening my posture. “I won’t let some spineless bully who hides behind threats control my life.”
I wish I knew who the stalker was. It’s the not knowing that is doing my head in. Everywhere I go, I look at people and think, is it you? Are you my stalker? And now they’re targeting my family. They are crossing a line and when I find out who they are, I will use the full benefits of being an Ace to make them pay.
* * *
When we arriveat the beach, there’s already a large crowd from our sixth form and some kids from year eleven here, as well. I don’t see the boys, so I assume they’re still held up with Aces business. Business that I’m to have no knowledge of. The crowd of Hawk Bay kids are drinking, smoking weed, and dancing around a bonfire. I spot Damon over by the fire and grin when I see his sister Milly Beside him.
“Come on,” I urge Vee, taking her hand and dragging her along the beach to where they are.
Damon spots me over his sister's shoulder, and grinning, raises his bottle in greeting.
“Princess. We were wondering if any of the royalty would show tonight,” he jests, winking at me, his hazel eyes twinkling with humour.
“Funny,” I reply, sticking my tongue out at him. “Milly, I almost didn’t recognise you with the hair,” I say to his sister, taking a strand of her now pink hair in my fingers.
“Hey, you inspired me to go for something different,” she informs me with a shrug of her shoulders. “Dad’s not too thrilled about it.”
“That’s an understatement,” Damon chuckles into his bottle. “I think his words were, ‘what the fuck have you done to your beautiful hair?’”
“Well, I like it,” I reassure her. Vee says that she thinks it really suits her too.
Milly looks behind us as if she is looking for someone. “Where are your three bodyguards?”
“Tony is over there,” Vee replies, gesturing over her shoulder to where my burly minder has taken up position leaning against the fencing by the car park.
“Wait! You have a literal bodyguard?” Milly’s eyes bug out in amazement. “I meant your three guys, as in the Aces.”
I give her a nonchalant bob of my shoulders. It is so embarrassing having an actual bodyguard following me around. It makes me look like I think I’m someone special. “Yeah, thanks to my stalker, I now have Tony following me everywhere. The Elders insisted.”
Vee snorts. “More like Archer insisted.”
“Well, him as well,” I admit. It was probably more to do with Archer than the Elders to be honest.
Damon leans down and pulls a beer out of his bag and offers it to Vee. Milly notices he doesn’t offer me one and she frowns at him. “You not offering Eliza one?”
“Oh, it’s fine,” I say, holding my hand out in front of me. “I’m the designated driver tonight.”
Damon winks at me, reassuring me that my secret is safe with him.
“So, has Damon told you the news?” Milly says, grinning like the cat that got the mouse.
I shake my head, not having a clue what she is talking about. She whacks her brother playfully in the ribs. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell her. I’m enrolling at the academy.”