“You are?” I’m surprised by this news. Damon had told me he’d convinced his dad that Milly would find it hard to adjust to the culture there and she would likely be a target because of her family.
“After the school holidays.” She bobs on her heels, filled with excitement. “I can’t wait to start and to wear that uniform.”
“You can’t?” I am surprised by her enthusiasm. “I’d love to go to your school and not have to wear that stifling blazer every day.”
“I talked my dad around. I told him, if I’m going to be a vet one day, then I need the best education.” She grins and nudges her brother. “Plus, it means I get to bug Damon during the day and at home.”
Damon casts his eyes heavenward and shakes his head in dread. “Just don’t let me see you with any guys and we’re good. I do not want to get expelled when I’ve made it this far.”
We all laugh. Damon and his brother are fiercely protective of their little sister. I imagine trying to date boys is no easy task with the two of them breathing down her neck.
“Ugh, looks like that is our cue to go,” Milly grumbles, her eyes concentrated behind me. I look over my shoulder and see the boys walking our way. The three of them are all in step with each other with Archer in the middle. All three of them command attention and everyone notices their arrival. I see Tony shout to Archer and gesture him over. Great! He’s no doubt filling him in on the latest stalker incident.
“There’s no need to leave,” I say, placing my hand on her arm. “Archer and Damon have agreed to be civil towards each other.”
Milly grimaces, continuing to glare their way. I follow her line of sight and realise her hostility is fixed on Seb.
“I am not hanging around to deal with that dickhead,” she growls. She looks briefly at Vee and winces. “Oops, sorry. I know he’s your twin, but he’s so annoying.”
Vee holds her hands up and chuckles. “Call him that all you like, girl. My brother is an arse when it comes to girls.”
“Come on Day,” Milly urges, “let’s go mingle.”
Damon offers me an apologetic shrug and allows his sister to tug him away from us just as the boys arrive.
“Queens,” Seb greets us, grinning and coming in between us to throw an arm over both our shoulders. “Missed us?”
Vee grins wickedly at him. “We missed Archer and Rafe. You, not so much.”
Seb pouts at her, and clutches at his chest, staggering back as if he’s been shot. “I’m wounded, little sis.”
“We’re twins,” she reminds him, glowering at him in annoyance.
Seb sighs and points a finger at her. “I was born first though, so you are still my little sis.” Seb's eyes move to where Damon and Milly are standing with a small group over by the beer stash. “What’s she doing here?”
I double blink, surprised at the coldness in his voice. “Who, Milly? She’s here with her brother. I thought you liked her.”
Seb glowers across the bonfire at her and I watch as the two of them briefly stare at each other. An unspoken conversation seeming to take place.
“Like is a strong word,” Seb grunts.
“Oh, no. tell me you haven’t?” I groan. I put my hands together in a praying symbol. “Please tell me you listened to me, and you didn’t go there.”
Seb snorts as if my idea is ridiculous. It was only last week he was drooling over her like a dog does a bone.
“I didn’t go there,” he replies dryly. “Relax. She’s no longer on my radar. I have new pussy to chase.” His signature grin returns, and he waggles his eyebrows.
I jump when I feel a hand on my back and a glance over my shoulder tells me it’s Archer. “Hey.”
He crowds into my back, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Hey, Scar. You, okay? Tony just filled me in on everything. You should have phoned me straight away.”
I place my hands over his and at the feel of uneven skin; I look down and gasp. Archers’ knuckles are all bloodied and split open. “What happened to your hands? Have you been fighting?”
“Stop trying to change the subject,” he says into my ear. “We just had to give someone a little message.”
“We’re both fine,” I reassure him. “And I don’t need to ring you every time something happens. That’s why I have Tony in the first place. I’m mainly just pissed off that they’re targeting the people I care about now.”
Archer kisses the top of my head, squeezing my waist affectionately. “I’ll give Boyd a call in the morning. They better have some leads, or I am going to go above his head and demand that they assign a new detective to the case.”