Page 56 of Fallen Legacy

I look down bewildered and realise he’s right. I walk to him, and he cocoons me into his arms. “I’m shaking with anger,” I reassure him. I’m not weak, but things are different now. I don’t have just myself to think about. There is a tiny human growing inside of me who needs protection.

“Where the fuck is Wilbur?” Archer demands of everyone standing here.

“He’s in London,” Calvin informs us. “Business.”

“Fuck business,” Archer exclaims, swearing under his breath. “He should be here showing some concern for his granddaughter.”

“I don’t feel so good,” I murmur, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

Archer looks down at me and he mustn’t like what he sees because the next thing I know I’m lifted off my feet and he’s striding back to the house with me in his arms. Edith and Detective Boyd scurry behind us to keep up. When we enter the kitchen, he deposits me down on the kitchen worktop and steps in between my legs, cupping my face in his hands.

“Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?”

I’m struck speechless by the genuine concern I see expressed in his eyes as he looks me over.

“I’m okay. It is just a shock seeing that,” I tell him, offering him a reassuring smile.

“You’re pale,” he replies.

“I’m always pale. I’m an English rose, remember,” I jest, and his upper lift quirks at the corner.

“Edith, tea might help,” he suggests.

“Actually, can I get a diet coke?” I ask Edith. She nods her head and rushes off to the fridge, bringing me back an ice-cold glass of cola.

“That’s it. I’m done with this situation,” Archer announces, looking determined. “Send one of the staff up to pack up her belongings. She’s not spending another night in this house.”

“No,” I protest firmly. “If you think for one minute, I’m leaving my brother here where there is some nutter getting in, you’ve another thing coming Archer.”

“Maybe he’s safer without you here,” Boyd chirps in and Archer swivels his frosty glare on him as if to say, did you seriously just say that?

“I’m just thinking that it’s clearly Eliza this person is after, so maybe he’ll be safer with her not here.”

I shudder, feeling like someone has walked over my grave, which is such a poor description given I have an actual grave outside in the garden. “God, he’s right. Me being here is putting him at risk.” I feel sick that I could be responsible, once again, for putting my brother’s wellbeing at risk.

“Look, I’ll get Wilbur to increase the security here. We can even have a guy outside Kit’s room if it makes you feel better, but it’s not him I’m worried about, Scar. It’s you. The Savage Mansion has the best security in place that money can buy. Edward is a paranoid old man. I’m not taking no for an answer. You’re coming to live with me where I can keep you safe.”

“Okay,” I say, nodding my head. He’s right. It’s me they want, so they’ll go where I am, which means Kit will be safe.

“Okay?” Archer repeats questioningly, his brow arched.

“Yes, no arguments from me this time,” I tell him, rolling my eyes. He’s in shock that I’m agreeing with him without a fight.

“Okay then. You heard her Edith. Get the girls to pack her things up. Calvin, could you have them delivered to my house this afternoon?”

“Of course. Not a problem,” Calvin smiles at me in concern.

Edith clucks around me, asking me if I want some breakfast, but if I’m honest, the thought of food makes me want to vomit.

“Do you want to stay off today?” Archer asks me, as he dismisses everyone and gives me his full attention.

“No,” I say, running my fingers through his hair. “Thank you, but I need to go to college. I have A-levels to pass.”

“Fuck A-levels,” he replies with a wave of his hands. “We’re rich, we don’t need A-levels.”

I can’t help but smile at his flippancy. “You might not need them, but I do.”

He cups my neck with his hands. “You’re going to be my wife, Scar. You’ll want for nothing. I promise.”