“I have a surprise for you after college,” Archer announces as he pulls into his personal parking space at the academy.
“You’re not kidnapping me again, are you?” I ask him with an arched brow.
He half smiles. “Not today. I think you’ll like this surprise,” he says self-assuredly.
“Is it illegal?” I ask, waggling my brows at him, and this earns me a husky chuckle.
He leans over the car and places his forefinger under my chin. “I’m afraid not, but if you want, we can head to the ring on Friday. I could get you on the line-up.”
“Ah, I’m not really in a fighting mood lately,” I say, quickly thinking of an excuse why I can’t fight this weekend.
Archer looks at me, puzzled. “You love fighting, Scar, almost as much as I do.”
I shrug my shoulders, trying to look nonchalant, but it’s hard when he’s so close and he’s studying me. “Well, maybe I’m ready for some peace in my life.”
“Nah, you thrive on danger and excitement. What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” I protest, plastering on a fake smile. “Now, watching you fighting on the other hand, I could get on board with,” I tell him, waggling my brows and running a finger down this shirt.
“You could, huh?” He smirks. “Does it turn you on watching me fight, baby girl?”
I lean closer to him, biting my lips. Him calling me baby girl does all sorts of things to my body. “It gets me so horny.”
His eyes are hooded, and they skate between my mouth and my eyes. “No arguments. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight.”
“We’ll see,” I say in a noncommittal tone. “Now let’s go, the future Mrs Savage needs to get a good education.” I go to pull away from him, but he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me back to face him.
“Say that again,” he demands, his eyes burning with possession.
Oh, I see.
“What?” I smile. “You like when I say the future Mrs Savage?”
“Like it,” he repeats. “I fucking love it.” He dives in and kisses me deep and I hear a long moan come from me as I kiss him back. Say what you like about our fucked-up situation, but my dark boy is addictive.
We pull apart when my passenger door opens and Seb leans in, grinning. “Good morning, mum and dad. Probably best not to have sex in the school carpark. I’m thinking of your excellent reputations, of course.”
Laughing, I reluctantly pull away from Archer and grab my bag from the floor. As I climb out, Seb slings his arm over my shoulder. “Are you ready for it?” he asks me, pointing with his finger over to where Georgie and her cronies all hang outside the school entrance. “Someone is going to be fuming to see you back with my boy.”
I scoff. “Like I care what she thinks.”
“Good,” Archer says as he comes up on my other side and he gently pulls me from Seb’s embrace. He possessively swings his arm over my shoulder. “Because I intend for everyone to know that you’re mine, Scar.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head and steers us towards the path that leads to school. I don’t miss the open stares and whispers as we pass our fellow students.
“I thought she was with Silver now.” I hear one girl comment to her friends, and I glare at her as we pass, making her wither under my scrutiny. Archer’s jaw tightens at the mention of Silver and me.
“Seriously?” Georgie steps into our path, arms folded, glaring at me. “You’re back with the trash.”
“Move,” Archer orders her and I tilt my head in surprise when she doesn’t immediately obey him.
“Why?” she asks him, looking at Archer in complete bewilderment. “What does she have that I don’t?”
Archer studies her for a beat, his expression devoid of any emotion. I know that look. It’s the one that tells me he’s about to cut her down right here. “She has a personality, for a start.” He moves us a step forward until we’re right in front of her and she has to look up at him. “Now move, before I strip you here and now of your club status.”
She swallows, straightening her back and moving to the side to let us pass. I can tell it nearly kills her to do so.
“Thanks, George,” I tell her with a sarcastic smile, winking at her. I chance a glance at her from over my shoulder to see her practically breathing fire as she glares after us.
“Got to say, she really hates you, Little Red. You stole her prize,” Seb chuckles as he falls back into step beside us.