Archer grabs him and pulls him into a headlock, and I watch as the two of them goof around like two kids. “Quit talking about my dick.”
“I’m just pointing out what she’s missing.” He laughs as he wrangles himself out of Archer’s hold. “Time for me to shower and get ready for the ladies of London.”
I shake my head as I watch him leave the room. How he has so much energy at this time of night is beyond me. “You can go out. I don’t need a babysitter.”
He doesn’t answer me as he moves around the kitchen. My brows arch in surprise when he comes my way and offers me a warm drink. “Hot chocolate, with caramel syrup.”
“Uh, thanks,” I say in confusion as I take it from him. My nausea has settled down over this last week and I think I’m finally over the worse of it.
“I’m going to go shower. Our room is the second one on the right.”
“Our room?” I ask pointedly.
“There are three bedrooms. So, you’re with me unless you’d rather share with Seb and whatever girl he brings back here tonight.”
“You can sleep on the sofa out here and I’ll take the bedroom. That would be the gentlemanly thing to do.”
He smirks as he walks off towards the bedrooms. “We both know I’m no gentleman, Scar. You’re sleeping next to me, so don’t fight me on this.”
I throw a cushion toward where he has just gone, and it lands on the floor with a thud. “Arsehole,” I mumble to myself, leaning my head on the back of the sofa. I pull out my phone to see if Damon has read my text. I text him earlier when we were in the air to say I wouldn’t be home tonight and that I’d explain later. It’s one thirty in the morning, so I’m not sure if I should call. I debate for a few minutes. He answers on the fourth ring, and I can tell from his voice that I’ve woken him up.
“Princess, do you know what time it is?”
“I’m sorry,” I say, wincing. “I just didn’t want you worrying. I’m in London. Going to be here until at least late tomorrow night.”
He’s silent for a beat. “What’s in London?”
I chuckle. “No idea. The Elders have sent us here on some job. That’s all I know.”
“They’re making you go on a job. What kind of job? You’re pregnant for fuck’s sake!” his voice rises in tone.
“Look, I’ll be fine. I’m sure I probably just have to put a dress on and look pretty.”
“And what if it’s not that? What if this job puts you in danger or you have to do something physically dangerous?”
I look towards the door before I answer to make sure no one is there. “I’m pregnant, Damon, not dying.”
“I don’t like this. Maybe you should tell Savage. He’d be able to pull you out.”
“No,” I tell him firmly. “I’m not telling him, and it will be fine. Stop worrying. Look, I’ll call you as soon as I know more, okay?”
I jump when my phone is wrenched from my hand, and Archer puts it to his ear. “I’ll make this clear. She isn’t yours to worry about. She’s safe with me. Nothing will happen to her.” He cuts off the call and throws my phone down on the sofa. I gulp when his gaze fixes on me, and he strides and closes the small distance between us. He wraps a hand around my waist and pulls my body flush with his.
“What aren’t you going to tell me?”
“Nothing,” I say, plastering a smile on my face. “Nothing, really.”
“You’re lying,” he states, studying me with suspicion. “You blink more when you’re not being truthful.”
“I do not,” I protest. “Look. I’ve just not been sleeping well with everything that has happened. Damon’s just worried that I’m exhausted.”
He smirks. “That’s because I’m not there, Scar. We both know I keep the nightmares away.” His expression turns serious. “I’ll call our doctor tomorrow and ask him to write you a prescription.”
“I don’t want tablets,” I say, shaking my head. “I just need a couple of decent night’s sleep.”
He looks down at me, holding my eyes prisoner with his. “I miss you in my bed, Scar.” He looks like he’s going to say more, but then he pulls back and offers me his hand. “Come on. Don’t fight me. You're tired, you need sleep, and I can keep the nightmares away. Just for tonight, don’t fight this.”
I look at his outstretched hand and then up at him. He looks tired too and I wonder what is keeping him up at night. He releases a sigh when I place my hand in his and he guides us to our bedroom.