Page 49 of Cosmic Crush

I sat back up, leaning into the seat. Mari settled next to me.

“We did it,” she said.

I nodded, finally feeling a shred of relief. It was far from over, but maybe we had a chance to change things now.

Maybe I would get to truly be part of Mari’s future.


Winning over Madam


The moment we got inside the ship, I felt like I could breathe again.

We made it.

I turned to look up at Raider and he leaned down, stealing a kiss from me. He left me breathless as he pulled back.

The moment I was free, Stella looped her arm in mine. “Alright, she’s mine now.”

I snorted as she led me down the familiar hall.

“You owe me a drink,” Stella said. “And some gossip. And at least three episodes ofGilstar Girls.”

I laughed. “Okay, okay. Yes to all of those things once everything is sorted out.”

“Deal,” Stella said.

Raider was right behind me and I appreciated that he wasn’t hovering too close. Stella was my best friend—something Toras and Zin had learned quickly too.

“She’s going to be mad,” I whispered, feeling nervous.

Madam Moonie was someone I’d known for a long time. I knew that she’d probably hardly slept or taken care of herself.

“She’ll be relieved,” Stella said. “We’ve been worried.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It doesn’t matter now. You’re safe,” Stella said. “And you came back with a hot boyfriend. I can forgive you.”

I looked down at myself. I was an absolute mess.“I look like I’ve been in a cave for a few days.”

Stella snorted. “You do, but it’s not a bad look. You wear his poncho well. Just say hi to Madam and then go change. And shower. Maybe have some fun times not in a cave.”

I grinned like an idiot, stealing a glance at Raider. He winked at me with three eyes, fixing his cowboy hat on top of his head. He was about the same height as Zin, I realized, although his shoulders seemed to be twice as wide.

I blushed and refocused on walking down the hall.

The way the ship was set up was simple. On the left and right side were rooms for each member of the crew and troupe. At the center was the kitchen, eating area, and Madam Moonie’s office. There was also a practice stage for us to rehearse on, as well as exercise equipment. At the front of the ship was the captain’s bridge, where the captain navigated the ship, although I had never met the mysterious individual.

The running joke was that there was no captain.

Being a part of the Galactic Gems was an honor. It was a big production, renowned through the galaxies as one of the best shows to ever exist.

We slowed as we came to Madam Moonie’s office. Her assistant, the sweet and fretful Max, poked his head out. His eyes widened when he saw us.

“You’re alive! Thank the universe. You’re impossible to replace.”