Page 50 of Cosmic Crush

I snorted, giving him a hug. “Hi, Max. Yes, I’m alive.”

He cupped my face. “You had all of us worried. I’m glad you’re in one piece. Madam Moonie has barely slept. I’ve practically had her on an IV of caffeine. I could just kiss you right now for being alive.”

Raider growled from behind me. I blushed.

Max’s eyes widened as he looked past me. “Oh dear. Why is the outlaw here?”

“Max,” I hissed. “Be nice. Raider is my mate. Remember when you were scared to even talk to any of the performers because you were so shy?”

He snorted but blushed. “That ship has sailed. A few weeks working with Madam Moonie and I feel like a changed person. Speaking of. Is this your man, then?”

“He is.”

Max shook his head. “Good luck. Maybe I should call the authorities to save you from Madam.”

“We will be fine,” Raider said gruffly.

Max made a doubtful expression and stepped to the side.

Stella sighed. “I’ll see you later. Dinner?”

“Yes. We’ve been eating chili every day and it’s delicious but…”

Raider chuckled. “It’s okay to say you are tired of the food. We have basically been camping. Although the hot spring was nice…”

I leaned into him. “It was. But, yes. We’ll join.”

“Great. Good luck,” Stella said.

She left with Zin and Toras, giving me a sly, knowing smile as she disappeared.

I was relieved that we made it.

My shoulders relaxed. We’d done one part of the hard part.

“Hey,” Raider said, pulling me close. “We made it.”

“We did.”

There was a part of me that wondered if we would. The entire drive over to the east docks had been harrowing. I had thought that we would for sure be caught, and that I would have to fight to save him.

We weren't there yet. He wasn't completely safe on the ship, even if there were less eyes here. Stella had accepted him. But Stella knew what it was like to find a bond mate. Not many humans did. Finding someone that was a part of your soul was not as common as it was for aliens.

I had to trust that Madame Moonie would do what was best. I trusted her, and I trusted that she would listen to us.

I slipped my hand into his, guiding him through the doorway.

The scent of perfume hit me, sweet but not overpowering. Madame Moonie’s office was a chaotic collection of everything burlesque. There was a massive mirror, costumes, fabrics, a sewing machine in the corner, and all sorts of props. A large desk sat in the center, covered with makeup and sequins, even if she was doing admin work.

Madam Moonie was sitting in her chair, her crimson fingernails drumming on the desktop. I met her gaze, and flushed.

It looked like she hadn’t slept for days.

“Imagine my surprise when I heard that Stella was parking in the ship and had you and the outlaw with her,” Madam Moonie said. “I was relieved. And furious. Where have you been? How dare you come here,” she growled at Raider. “How dare you step foot on my ship.”

“I can explain,” I said.

“I know thatyoucan,” she snapped. “What about him? What can he explain? I have been worried sick about you. Stella has been worried sick. The only reason I wasn’t out fighting the storm was because she insisted you were okay.”