Page 45 of Cosmic Crush

I exhaled slowly. The moment we left the hideout, we would be at risk.

There was a part of me that never wanted to leave.

I believed that it had to be fate that brought her to me. All that time I’d been trapped away because of my brother, I never believed love was something I could find.

But I had found Mari.

The last couple of days, I’d gotten to know her even more.

Now, if we could just clear my name…

Then I could spend my life knowing every part of her.

“I’m worried,” I told her. “I’m worried, but I will try my best to get us to the ship safely.”

“I know,” she said. “It’ll work out.”

Mari and I had discussed the location of the ship. On the east docks of Canyon City, which arguably wouldn't be that hard to get to. Except that everyone would be on the lookout for us.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her. “I can always turn myself in.”

I wanted to. I wanted to do this. But I needed to know she was sure thatshe wanted to. I hated the idea of bringing her into the middle of all of this, but I would do everything I could to protect her.

“I’m sure that I want to do this,” she said. “Raider, we’re doing this. At the very least, we’re going to clear your name.”

I nodded, holding on to her tight. “Alright, sugar. Let’s get to the starship and see what we can do.”

“You got this, cowboy.”

I turned on the engine, hitting the gas. I flipped one of the switches, activating a silencer that would help disguise the sounds.

I took us out into the open, glancing up at the sky. Mari’s arms tightened around me as we passed the spot where the canyon crawler had been.

The good news was, those monsters didn’t come out when there weren’t storms.

Dust kicked up behind us as I sped up, moving as quickly as I could.

I drove down a rocky path, going through a tunnel and slowing as we came to the end.

I knew these canyons like the back of my hands. They were a maze, but I’d left markers here and there to help guide me if I was ever lost. I was taking us a different way than how we came in, hopeful that we’d be able to skirt by anyone searching for us.

Mari held onto me, trusting me. I steeled myself as I eased out of the entrance of the tunnel, coming out into the open.

I kicked the motor hard, taking off. I sped, winding through the rocks and narrow passages as quickly as I could.

A siren blared through the air.


She squeezed me as I took a sharp right, speeding between two cliffs through a very narrow spot. Narrow enough that Buck’s handlebars were almost scraping the stone.

More sirens rang, but I ignored them. They wouldn’t shoot at us with her on the bike with me.


Those words repeated over and over, echoing through the canyons from above.