Page 44 of Cosmic Crush

But he had to be stopped. Raider didn’t deserve to live in hiding like this.

“I understand if you have doubts,” he whispered. “You’ve only met me. I kidnapped you. I was going to use you to blackmail him. Logically, you have every reason to doubt me.”

“Logically, yes. But sometimes logic isn’t the answer. I believe you, Raider.” I leaned forward, sliding my hand into his. Mine was much smaller, but I could still intertwine our fingers together. “All I can think is that I’m sorry you had to see someone die. What was her name?”

“Jolyene,” he answered.

“Jolyene,” I repeated. “I’m sorry about her.”

“She was good. She didn’t deserve what he did,” Raider sighed. “I’ll never understand how I didn’t see what was happening sooner.”

“It’s hard to see what’s right in front of us sometimes,” I said. “Especially when the blinders are on. It’s easier to believe the better.”

“It is. If we go together, he will hate you. He will see you as a problem.”

“I am a problem,” I snorted, flipping my hair. “I’m Little Miss Mercury, the glitter-gun slinging hussy. And I’m also not a fan of asshole ambassadors who think they can get away with murder.”

He chuckled. “I can’t say I am either. I need a catch phrase like you have.”

“Raider the chap-wearing cowboy outlaw.”

He laughed now, that infectious sweet sound that made me grin. “You like my chaps.”

“I do. I get to look at your nice ass.”

“I should find you chaps. I’d like to see your ass too…We could bethatcouple that matches.”

The image of us beingthatcouple made me burst out into a fit of giggles. Because, yeah, I would absolutely love that. “I’m certain I have some in my wardrobe on the ship. I have all sorts of clothing. I’m a diva. Not that you’d know, considering we’ve been in a cave.”

He cocked his head, clearly amused. “Sugar, just because you’re in a cave doesn’t mean you’ve hidden that you’re a diva for one second. It’s something I love about you.”


I’d never seen Raider blush until now. The word hung between us, making me feel like a thousand butterflies had unleashed in my heart.

“If your offer still stands to find a way out of this, I think I’ll take you up on it,” he whispered.

“It does,” I said. “It absolutely does.”




Nerves ran through me as I pulled Mari onto my bike. I sat her in front, facing me, her legs wrapping around my waist. I would hold onto her with one arm, drive with the other two, and be prepared to use one of my guns if I had to.

I’d never wanted something to work out so much in my entire life.

I wanted to get her to the ship safely.

I wanted to prove that I was good.

And I wanted to spend the rest of my life loving her.

We would be in danger going through the canyons and city. I fully expected them to be searching for us.

“It’ll be okay,” Mari whispered, kissing my cheek.