Page 69 of Winter's Thaw

Laura flushed. She was and always would be a professional at work. “I’m fine. Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Too busy entangled with a lusty red fox. She wished her cheeks didn’t get hot at the thought.

Ty, wisely, didn’t mention her embarrassment. “Sorry to hear that. But hey, you have tomorrow through Monday off.”’

“I do? Shouldn’t I be on until Sunday?”

“I’m putting you on Gerald Winter tomorrow. I want you to stick to him like glue.” Ty frowned. “I’ve been hearing some ugly rumors that the raptors are gunning for him since he defended Kyle. If the trial today goes the way I think it will, Gerald’s going to be gunning for the McKays next week in court. He’s not scared of Roberta.”

“Good for him.”

“Though he probably should be,” Ty continued. “That woman’s a menace. And she stirs up those in the clan who can’t think for themselves. This is beyond Gerald and Kyle, Laura. You know that. The clan war has been brewing for some time. The eagles are ready, but the foxes aren’t taking this seriously. I know. I asked. We need someone to watch out for Gerald.”

“What about Harry? He was on the case too.”

“Harry’s going to be hanging at Burke’s place during the trial. But Gerald refused to hide, as he put it.”

“Wait. When did you talk to him about this?”

“Last night. He didn’t tell you?”

“No.” That bothered her. “But then, it’s his decision. His life.” She started to grow angry.

“Riigght.” Ty backed away. “I’ll get back to work. Do me a favor and file that paperwork growing on your desk before it takes over your entire office.”

“Fine,” she growled and did just that. But she and Gerald were due a conversation later on.

After unwrapping her present and finding an adorable stuffed grizzly bear in the bag, Laura’s temper evened out. A little. She drove to Gerald’s house after work and found him sitting outside as a fox.

He was beautiful, and he clearly knew it. Dark-red fur on his head and back tapered into a reddish brown on his legs, muzzle, on the tips of his ears. His belly and neck were snow-white, and his golden eyes gleamed with humor as he watched her approach.

She shook her stuffed bear at him. “You honestly think it’s okay to not have protection? Hell, Gerald, they tried to beat you up in a parking lot in the light of day with the law right there!”

He yipped.

She growled, “I’m not kidding. Ty has me glued to you all day tomorrow. And I’ll be hanging around like a dang albatross around your neck until the trial is over.”

He trotted to her then wound around her legs like a cat seeking affection.

“You’re not cute.” He totally was.

He sat and stared up at her with mournful eyes.

“Oh hell. You’re gorgeous and you know it.”

He preened as she knelt to pet him, even rolling onto his back to give her better access to where he wanted scratches.

Then he shocked her by changing back into a man’s form before darting inside. “Come in!”

She stood and dusted the snow off her pants before following him inside.

She didn’t get one step further than the door closing behind her before he was on her, cupping her cheeks and kissing her into a state of slick desperation.

He settled his forehead against hers. “Ah, I needed that.”

She moaned something unintelligible and rested her hands against his firm shoulders, aware of something else firmly poking her belly. “Happy to see you too.”

He chuckled. “I hope you weren’t mad that I left early today. I had to clean up before going in to work. You wouldn’t believe how nosy foxes can be.”

“Oh, I can. Your buddy, my boss, is a pain in my ass.”