Page 70 of Winter's Thaw

Gerald snickered. “Yeah? Well your best friend, my assistant, isn’t easier. She’s pretty bossy.”

Laura looked up at him, saw the humor and affection in his eyes, and fell in love. In an instant, the scent of togetherness blended, a fox and bear, a man and woman, merging into one.

Gerald’s expression turned wicked. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Ah, well, I—”

“Exactly. Get naked and bend over the couch.”

She laughed. “Close enough.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Friday passed without incident. Work went well, and Laura had no problem hanging around Gerald’s office keeping an eye on everyone while they presented at court and headed back to prepare for their other two cases the next week.

Laura went home after seeing that he got in safely. Instead of making Gerald feel weak, her attention made him feel cared for, and he wondered over that all night long, lonely for the sweet bear he’d come to think of his own.

Saturday, she showed up to make him breakfast. He didn’t complain. She made killer blueberry pancakes.

As the weekend progressed, he also learned more about his mate.

She didn’t like sharing her hot cocoa or marshmallows.

She was a definite snuggler, though she seemed embarrassed to admit it.

Though the pretended to be easy-going, she didn’t like to lose.

“You cheated,” she exclaimed over a game of Monopoly.

“It’s not cheating to own everything. It’s called Monopoly for a reason.”

“Still, you don’t have to buy everything you land on.”

He found her annoyance amusing, which irritated her even more.

By Monday morning, waking with her in his arms, he didn’t know how he’d ever go back to living alone as a single man. Though she hadn’t said anything about their scents mingling, he had been extremely aware and proud of the fact their animal spirits had bonded. He just needed to not screw up the human part of mating.

But the sex…they had that down pat.

He curled behind her, resting his hand on her flank, loving her soft skin. She moaned when he stroked her, and he nuzzled her neck. “Wake up, Laura.”

“No.” She tugged his hand over her stomach, finally at ease with him touching her. For a while, she’d acted shy and skittish if he wanted to stroke her, but after staring at every part of her the night before, then following with kisses and a few orgasms, he’d worn her down.

He didn’t stop at her belly. He continued to move his hand between her legs and lingered. Nudging behind her with his cock, he pushed through her folds, finding her so damn tight.

“Laura.” He kissed her neck and moved, sawing in and out of her, emboldened by her slick response.

Her body readied for him, and as he slid his fingers over her clit and clenched her breast with his other hand, she seized around him, pulling him with her into a mind-numbing climax.

He poured into her, loving the feel of them skin to skin. He eased back and kissed her cheek, cuddling with the soft woman he loved more with each passing day. He had no idea how he’d gone so many years without knowing this part of Laura. The funny, sensitive, intelligent woman deep inside.

“Laura, I need to tell you something.” His heart raced.

“Oh?” She lay with her back to him, and he didn’t know if it would be better to face her or not see her expression when he said it.

“I really like you.” A good lead-in.

She froze. “Um, I like you too.”