Page 52 of Prove You Wrong

Now I’m away from his heat, his scent, and no longer wrapped up in the cosy rugs with him, the cold starts to creep in, along with the humiliation. My cheeks flush with the hot rush of shame and I busy myself folding the blankets.

‘I’ll sort that, leave it.’ His voice is soft.

I want my hands to be doing something. It’s dawning on me that I offered myself on a plate and he rejected me. How did I manage to mess up a hookup?

Tears prick my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. Tidying the blankets is a welcome distraction.

‘Hey.’ He catches hold of the throw I’ve been folding, stilling it in my hands. ‘Before you freak out I’ve just turned you down, please know I’m going to be kicking myself about this for weeks. Months.’

‘I’m fine. You don’t need to — ’

‘It’s notfine.’ He steps in closer, brows folded together.‘But it’s what needs to happen. So I know you really want this.’ Nate squeezes my hand, as it bunches up the fabric. ‘But please know, this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.’

‘Really?Notfucking me is one of the hardest things you’ve done?’

‘I showed you how hard.’ He smirks and I can’t stop a laugh escaping despite my disappointment.

We fold the blanket together in a strange moment of domesticity. As he bundles it up with the rest of the throws, I cross my arms self-consciously.

He comes over to me, opening his arms in the offer of a hug. He smiles, making his dimple appear in a way which suggests he knows he looks adorably irresistible.

Reluctantly, I open my arms to him, and he pulls me tightly to his strong chest.

He nuzzles into my hair. ‘You are beautiful.’ He drops a kiss onto my head. ‘Irresistible — ’

‘You managed to resist,’ I counter.

‘Unbelievably stubborn,’ he continues, punctuating with more kisses. ‘And now, I’ve got to do a thirty foot ladder with a massive boner.’ He thrusts against my thigh, grinding on me until I giggle. ‘So, the only one here that should be feeling awkward is me.’

I look up at him. ‘How did you know I was feeling awkward?’

‘That bottom lip of yours … I should be the only one biting on that.’

‘You had the chance … ’

‘One more date.’ It’s not a question. It’s a demand.

Chapter 16


No exaggeration, saying no to Ella is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Well, along withnotthrowing her over my shoulder and dragging her back to the treehouse as we walked through the forest. Not to mentiononlygiving her a quick kiss goodbye when I dropped her off, rather than taking her right there in the Ranger.

Ella hadn’t said anything else about what happened in the treehouse. She certainly hadn’ttriedanything else. But remembering the look in her eyes nearly kills me. Yes, there was heat. The hunger I’d seen after the fireworks stayed but it was joined with a touch of hurt. Rejection.

My mind reeling, going over every second to check I did the right thing — doubting I did the right thing — I get back to the flat in a daze.

‘How was it?’ Chunk asks, pausing a game and looking up at me from where he’s sprawled on the sofa.

‘Er … great, man.’ I stall for time, sliding my jacket off. ‘The site’s looking quality. No problems with the ropes … ’ I trail off as he’s fixing me with a bemused half smile.

‘And your date?’ His green eyes get kind of piercing when he’s grilling me.

‘Oh.’ I turn away. ’Yeah, good.’

‘Only “good”? Come to think of it, you’re back early.’ He checks his watch. ‘Blow your load too soon?’

I snort. ‘Thanks for your faith in me.’