Page 123 of Prove You Wrong

‘Who’s that?' she squeaks.

It’s easy to follow her gaze. She’s homed in on the tallest guy in the room, who can be clearly seen over the heads of all the other people. ‘Ah, that’s Nate’s bestie, Chunk. Our host. I'll introduce you.’

I try to keep my voice steady and not snicker at how my plan is coming together.

‘He’s quite something,’ she breathes.

‘He’s huge, isn’t he? Gentle giant though, I’ve decided.’ I link arms with her as we cross the room.

Chunk’s wearing a velvety Santa suit, but has forgone the big beard, opting instead for some sexy stubble. I’m pleased he’s looking hot for Josie’s sake. I’m hoping maybe he can help her get her confidence back … and maybe she’s what he’s been looking for?

‘Shit, is that Scott?’ she mutters as we drop our booze off in an ice bucket at the table full of drinks before making our way over to Santa.

Scott’s standing against the far wall of the barn, sipping on a drink, his usual faint scowl in place.

‘Seeing him is good, right?’ I whisper. ‘Getting over that first encounter?’

‘I can do this,’ she mumbles through a smile, so only I hear. ‘I can talk to him like a normal person.’ She nods as if psyching herself up.

‘You’ll be great. You want me to stick around when you speak to him?’

‘No, it’s probably better not to have an audience forthatawkward conversation.’

I squeeze her hand briefly, letting her know I’m with her in spirit, whatever happens.

Chunk’s made his way through the crowd and greets me with a kiss on each cheek. I introduce Josie and he swoops in for a peck with her, too.

Feeling a presence at my back, I look up to find we’ve been joined by Nate … and Scott.

‘Hey, you.’ Nate surrounds me with his muscly arms which have been wrapped up in the wool of his Christmas jumper. I giggle as he nuzzles kisses into my neck.

‘Hey, yourself,’ I reply, twisting to return his kiss. ‘Oh, hi, Scott. Didn’t know you’d be here.’ I force a smile at Nate’s brother, trying not to batter him over the ears for being a dick to my friend.

He says hello to us all, his voice a little strained.

Just as I’m wondering what Scott feels about Josie being here, looking hot as hell, Chunk grasps both Nate and me on the shoulder, bearing down on us with his huge hands.

‘Can I borrow you both for a sec?’

My eyes dart to Josie and she shoots me an, “I’m a big girl, I’ll be okay,” look.

I squeeze her hand again and grimace, still feeling guilty leaving her with Scott. ‘Back in a bit.’

Nate and I follow our giant Santa over to the tree he’s decorated in the corner.

‘I won't keep you long. I wanted to give you guys your Christmas presents.’

I frown, bemused that a man I hardly know has been thoughtful enough to get me a gift. I’d only brought along some beer for the party.

He passes me a bulky parcel and Nate a much smaller one, the size of his hand. ‘Merry Christmas,’ he sings out. Then, hearing another guest call his name, he turns to leave. ‘I’ll make sure Josie is okay,’ he says before he dashes off. ‘Catch you later … ’

Nate and I look at each other and glance around. ‘Do you reckon we can open them early?’

‘Can’t see anyone stopping us.’ I wiggle my eyebrows. ‘You go first.’

Nate rips the red and green paper apart to find a keyring and chunky key. He narrows his eyes. ‘Open yours,’ he says suspiciously.

Peeling back the tape, my parcel unfurls to reveal a familiar black leather jacket.