Ilovethe sound of that.
Iarrive at The Wreck at bang on eight, insisting to Josie she’s invited to Chunk’s party too.
‘Are you sure this isn’t weird? I don’t know him or anyone.’ Josie fidgets with her scarf as if trying to protect herself with it.
‘You know me … and Nate.’ I appraise my friend. Despite her effort, she is not her usual, confident self. ‘Come on, you’ll enjoy it.’
‘Will Scott be there?’ Her eyes are large, voice small.
‘I don’t know for sure. He might be working at the pub tonight. It’s Christmas Eve after all.’
She gives a large sigh. ‘He doesn’t know what he’s missing, right?’
‘Exactly.’ I leap on her unconvincing attempt at confidence. ‘You’re amazing. Let’s see if there’s someone here tonight who can see that.’
‘Why do I get the feeling I’m being set up?’
Instead of answering her question, I say, ‘It’s a magical time of year where anything could happen.’Addinga cheeky eyebrow waggle to try to tempt her.
It doesn’t work. Josie stays buckled into the car looking pensive.
Twisting around in the driver’s seat to face her, I let her know we’re not in any rush to get out. ‘What are you thinking?’
‘Who knew getting rejected would bum me out so much,’ she huffs, sounding annoyed with herself. ‘I just … I thought when Scott showed up at the hospital, he’d changed his mind.’
At the thought of Scott, I roll my eyes. ‘I can’t believe he used the “you’re my best friend’s little sister” line. Absolute Douche Nozzle.’
‘Am I ridiculous? That I’m still thinking about this? It was weeks ago.’ Josie holds my gaze, and I can see the dejection written all over her face. The spark my friend usually has, dimmed. ‘It’s not like we were together, like in a relationship. He stopped it before we got anywhere like that. It’s not like I hadfeelings,’ she babbles.
‘Jose.’ I reach out to her arm to try and comfort her. ‘You had feelings. They’re still valid even if you didn’t know him that well … ’
‘Maybe it’s just the sting of humiliation. Being little-sister-zoned is way worse than being friend-zoned.’ She forces a laugh which doesn’t quite sound authentic.
‘Do you think you still like him?’
‘It doesn’t matter, does it? He doesn’t want me.’ She sighs again.
‘If our roles were reversed, you know you’d be encouraging me to go and have some awesome self-confidence-boosting sex. You’d probably call it “Wellbeing-banging” or something.’
‘A health hump.’
‘I knew you’d have a phrase for it.’ I laugh. ‘It’d do you the world of goo-ood,’ I sing-song in an impression of her.
‘Can’t believe I’ve rubbed off on you and now you're trying to inflict your newfound loved-up ways on any unsuspecting passer-by.’
I chuckle at her faux indignation.
‘But you’re right.’ She ripples with a cleansing shiver. ‘I’ve gotta shake myself out of this rut. I’m fucking awesome. And I’m awesome at fucking.’
‘Come on.’ I undo my seatbelt and grab the bag of beer we’re contributing to the drinks table.
We exit my car and head towards golden lights which flank the door to the barn.A mixture of Christmas music and merry voices drifts out into the winter night.
Josie stays close to me as we step inside the recently renovated space.