Page 43 of Hook-up to Holidate

i care about you so much that i have to say goodbye.

be kind to yourself. i am so glad i got to experience this with you, however short it was. thank you. i’ll see you around.


It’s really over. I mean, it had never truly begun… we always knew this wasn’t allowed, that it wouldn’t work, but we gave into our whims and desires. She is an obsession. A fixation. I should be able to move on soon, I just need a little time.

What if nobody ever wants me like that? Or what if nobody ever makes me feel that good again? I shake my head, pushing away those thoughts, and wipe the tears that are falling down my face.

* * *

It’s been a week since I’ve seen Vega. An entire week without her sultry smile, a week without the deep notes in her voice. Without work to distract me, I’ve been an anxious mess. I decide to text the Unholy Trilogy.


I am fucking sad, friends.

They both reply instantly.


We know.


What did you do all day?





I cried into a bucket of ice cream.

The next thing I know, I’ve got an incoming call from Torres.

“Hello?” I pick up.

“Indigo, Alitha, can you hear me?” Dahlia asks.

“I can hear you,” Alitha replies.

“I’m here. I can hear you.”

“Perfect.” Dahlia pauses to take in a deep breath. “This is broken-off-engagement level relationship mourning for a holiday fling. I know you fell hard, but it’s get your shit together time, Watson.”

As harsh as it is, she’s right.

“Why don’t we all go out together tomorrow night?” Alitha suggests. “I’ve got news to share, anyhow. What about that one bar—”

“Not the best idea. That’s where they met. Why don’t we go to dinner; how’s Italian food sound?”

“Perfect,” I reply. Besides grocery shopping and long walks with Momiji, I’ve barely left the house. “Tomorrow at six?”