Page 44 of Hook-up to Holidate

“Great,” Alitha says.

Dahlia makes kissing sounds into the phone before hanging up.

Plans. Alright, now I have plans. At least that’ll give me something new to spiral about instead of my forbidden relationship.

* * *

I pull up to the restaurant in a sweater dress and tights. They’re the kind that look transparent but actually have a fleece lining on the inside. I wonder if they make them in green or red. I’ve seen them from the fairest white to the deepest brown, but I’m not sure I’ve seen them for non-human, non-elf skin tones. I wonder if Vega has ever gone to buy a pair.

Dahlia is in an off-the-shoulder, sexy sweater dress with heels, and Alitha in a long white dress that hugs her tightly, with knee-high boots to match.

The three of us walk into the Italian restaurant and every head turns. I know my friends are gorgeous, but damn, even I feel good tonight. The hostess seats us at a booth in the corner; Alitha and Dahlia slide in across from me.

“Okay history person, why do we call it Italian food?” Dahlia asks.

“There’s a region in Europa called Italia, named after the country Italy that used to be there. Countries may have disbanded their governments after The Convergence, but most of the cultures are still alive,” I explain.

“Oh, so it’s like how my mom says we’re Puerto Rican and Portuguese, even though those aren’t countries anymore, but more so regions within their continents?” Dahlia asks.

“Yeah!” I confirm.

“I guess I’m just confused on why us humans are so obsessed with the past. I feel like most of the magical races don’t give a shit about what happened prior to The Convergence,” Dahlia says.

The waiter interrupts us to take our orders. Dahlia orders herself and I margaritas. Alitha orders a glass of white wine.

“I think the majority of people without any human blood don’t care because Earth prior to The Convergence really has nothing to do with them,” I say. “Whereas we’re tied to the past through culture, blood, and history.”

“See, I try to learn about both Earth’s history, as well as Loria,” Alitha chimes in.

I smile. “I try to learn everything. I’m like a sponge.”

Dahlia grabs a piece of bread and dips it into the olive oil and spices. “Enough about history. Alitha, what’s your big news?”

“Laurel Gilbert, Chair of the Potions Department, is leaving Augury University,” she says, blue-eyes wide. “And they offered me the position.” Alitha’s hand moves to cover her mouth. Her nails are white with little blue snowflakes, and they contrast beautifully to the deep brown of her skin.

My jaw practically unhinges itself as I finally process what she just shared. There’s a new availability in the Potions Department. Holy shit.

Dahlia looks at us with eyebrows raised. “I was going to say congrats, but you both look concerned. This is a good thing, right? You’ll be making way more money.”

“And I’ll have a lot more responsibility,” Alitha shares. “But this also means I’ll need to hire my replacement.”

A grin spreads across Dahlia’s gorgeous face. “You could hire Indigo. That’s like her dream!”

Alitha’s mouth forms a thin line. “I can’t just hire my best friend, there’s a whole process involved, and they’d likely accuse me of nepotism.”

“Okay, fine. But you should still apply,” Dahlia says, looking at me.

“I’ll think about it.”

We all order pasta and stuff our faces with bread as we wait for our meals to come out. Alitha recommends her new nail tech, and I write the name down, though I’m still unsure I’ll ever get the courage to go get mine done. Maybe if someone went with me.

“I have a new client,” Dahlia says, her voice full of mystery.

I place my fork on my plate and put my elbows up on the table and rest my head in my hands. “Tell us more.”

“She’s an elf. Her hair is like twelve feet long, but she usually wears it in a bun,” Dahlia shares. “It took me two days to give her highlights and trim the dead ends. I charged her a few thousand dabloons.”

“That’s intense,” Alitha says.