“I am considering it, the whole running away thing. I’m also considering temporarily turning myself into a monster,” Primrose suggested, but Haruka looked unamused.


“Master Zuberi said something, and it got me thinking.”

“I feel whatever Master Zuberi said, this was not his intention... You recall that magic was outlawed by Queen Wilhelmina of North-Terra, right? And that most humans are incapable of magic anyhow? It was only sorcerers who could wield it, to begin with,” Haruka cautioned, removing her hands from Primrose.

“I recall, and I think you’ll recallourqueenlikesmagic. Also, I do think there’s a sorcerer in my bloodline. Somewhere… I think. I just need to… wake up my magic.”

“This is all speculation; you don’t even know if it’s possible!”

“Aren’t you supposed to be the positive one?” Primrose questioned.

“I am! And I ampositiveyou’re biting off more than you can chew. You’re a bright light, Prim, but this is crazy!”

“Can we just get on with the lesson?” Primrose requested, shrugging.

“I wanted to discuss that with you. I’m going to stay here while your parents are out if you need something, but I don’t think we need to study the Ancient Language anymore. You won’t be using it on that boat. You already know how to read a map; I think you’re pretty well prepared for coming,” Haruka said, the corners of her mouth turning upwards.

The two young women continued their conversation, discussing possible theories on why the queen did this to Primrose and joking about escape plans, when they were interrupted by an older gentleman’s voice.

“Are you two ladies done chit-chatting? Primrose is late for math,” a man said, entering the room. He was tall with gray hair and soft brown eyes. He looked disgruntled.

“My apologies, Mr. Sharp,” Haruka said, bowing.

“It is not you, Ms. Tanaka, that needs to apologize. Come along, child,” he said, ushering Primrose out.

Child. Ugh.

Primrose had her final math lesson, which was as dull as ever, before leaving to see her family off to the Capital of Mid-Terra. She watched the three taller figures exit the castle’s front door before following them out towards the carriage that awaited them.

“We’ll be back in six to eight weeks,” Bazz Reditus said, smiling at his daughter, then loading their baggage onto the wagon.

“And hopefully, we’ll bring back good news!” Her mother said, rubbing the middle of Primrose’s back.

“I’m going to miss you.” Sera frowned and then hugged her cousin. The girls squeezed each other firmly. Primrose booped Sera’s nose with her pointer finger.

Sera spoke again, “but I’m sure Mrs. Sharp will take excellent care of you.” She winked.

Primrose smiled, scrunching her nose. “I want to see not a freckle out of place! And make sure you take good care of my parents.”

“Don’t worry, girls. Our queen is probably doing this for some sort of revenge plot against the Northern Queen. I’m sure she’ll understand we don’t want you to be used as a pawn. It’ll all work out.” Adora looked at her daughter and then her husband with wistful eyes.

Primrose’s father kissed Primrose on the forehead and then helped Adora and Sera into their seats. They all waved and blew kisses at Primrose as she watched them ride into the distance, a single tear falling down her face. As she walked back inside, she realized Haruka wasn’t far from her and had witnessed the entire exchange. She waved at her friend, observing that tears stained her cheeks as well.

Chapter Three

Primroseglancedthroughthecorridor of the vast library that stood at the west end of the castle. It was a beautiful but disheveled room from years of improper care. On the western facing walls were large panels with intricate, colorful stained glass that sunshine poured through. Primrose had heard a peculiar sound coming from that direction, and she was determined to find the source. The windy sound grew louder as she crept into the vast room towards one of the bookshelves, realizing something was off. What was occurring gave off a strange sensation. Heart pounding, she noticed a book was... rattling. The leatherbound book was stained red as if dipped in blood. The book shook until it almost fell off the shelf, but Primrose caught it before it reached the ground, noticing deep groove marks clawed into the front cover.

“Tenebris magicae,” she read aloud in a hush. Dark Magic. Primrose opened the book and began scanning the pages for a specific phrase until she came upon it.

“Monstrum transformatio.” Primrose flipped through the tattered, yellow pages, reading the ancient language until she came across the perfect spell. Arms quivering, Primrose shut the book hastily. She thought about all the consequences of her actions. What if she could not transform back into a human after the spell was complete? She paced the room, breathing heavily.I have to do this, I have to do something, she thought to herself and reopened the book, scanning the pages once more for the Ancient text until stumbling upon the spell again.

Primrose spoke the incantation aloud, “Bestiae ferae mecum. Bestiae ferae mecum. Best—” A loud sigh interrupted her.

“What are you doing over here at such a late hour? The Duke and Duchess would have my head if they knew you were reading instead of being well-rested!” Mrs. Sharp scowled at the girl.

“I was just reading—just looking….” Primrose stated, avoiding eye contact.