“Primrose has more important matters to attend to,” Sera said, long red curls bouncing.

“Excuse me?” Hugo stated offendedly.

Sera curtseyed. “Apologies. Primrose has lessons to attend now. It was nice seeing you, Mr. Mercer.”

Hugo eyed the young woman, mouth gaping before asking, “Lessons for what? She is nineteen and will no longer be a historian. What could she possibly need school for?”

“We are preparing her for her life with you, sir.” Sera gave an insincere smile, teeth barely visible, before taking Primrose by the hand and exiting through the threshold.

Hugo Mercer whistled as he watched them leave. “Goodbye ladies, I’ll be seeing you both before the beginning of winter.”

Primrose composed herself and started for her first lesson of the day with her former history schoolmaster. He was a very tall, very dark man with alluring red undertones. His nose was broad, and his jawline prominent. Though his features were sharp, there was a kindness in his eyes.

“Goodmorning, Master Zuberi,” Primrose greeted the man.

“Goodmorning, Primrose.” Akil Zuberi looked over at the young woman, smiling widely.

“Master Zuberi… What are we going to learn about today? I’ve already studied the history of Terra in its entirety,” she questioned.

“I’m going to teach you about life outside of Mid-Terra. Is there anything you’ve wondered about?”

“Yes, actually. I wish I could meet everyone, but the rest of the realm is all oceans away. Why do people look and sound different from one another? And why are we all so far away? I wanted to meet people, but not like this.”

Master Zuberi’s eyes gleamed. “We look different because we adapted. The humans who originated in North-Terra are pale and blonde because they live in the snow, and the people in South-Terra have very dark complexions to withstand the intense sunlight they receive. The continents are so far away because that is just how Terra formed. We are all human… at least,” he explained.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Primrose questioned the man, eyebrows furrowed.

“Not every creature alive is human. Though we all look very different, we are all humans, but there are… monsters lurking about if you search for them. It’s a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, I wish we did not have to worry about such things, but on the other hand, I think it unites us. A common enemy, other than each other. Hatred is rampant, and we still rage and war over different political agendas, but our enemies unite us. Sometimes we’re so busy fighting monsters that we have little time to hate each other. Just promise me you will be careful. Some monstersarehuman….”

“I hope I know as much as you one day, Akil.” Primrose smiled at her mentor.

Primrose’s next lesson was in language. She practically glided into her master’s classroom, billowing sleeves flowing down the girl’s slender arms, the back of the dress remaining hidden underneath her long, wavy blonde hair. The dirty blonde strands looked nearly golden against the pale blue material.

“Hello, Primrose!” A woman squealed in a jovial tone.

“Hello, Master Tanaka!”

“Girl, please call me—” Haruka Tanaka said but was interrupted by Primrose.

“Haruka, yes, yes, but if Mrs. Sharp catches me calling you ‘Haruka’ she will end me.”

“Look, I get it. In East-Terra, respect is a big part of our culture, but friendship is more important tome. I understand I am your instructor, but I consider us much more than that.”

Haruka smiled. Her eyes were black with monolids, and they gleamed as she looked at her friend. Haruka donned a sage green corset over a billowing white top with black trousers. Long pin-straight black hair flowed down her back. Her chest was small-framed, but her hips were wide. She was stunning.

“Before we start our lesson, I have terrible news. I couldn’t tell Master Zuberi, but I must tell you, they are shipping me off.” Primrose frowned.

Haruka sighed before taking Primrose’s hands and intertwining them with hers.

“I know, your parents told us.”

“You all knew?” Primrose questioned, hurt in her eyes.

“Only after you walked in on their meeting.”

“I see.” The two young women stared at each other, fear glowing in their eyes.

“You could do as I did and run away. I refused to marry any man they suggested, and they refused to let me marry a woman, so I left. Now I make more money than all of them.” Haruka laughed.